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8月1号Elk/Thurston mountain四人行

发表于 2009-8-3 20:00:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Elk/Thurston mountain号称Chilliwack的GG,走起来却比GG舒服很多,风景也好很多,非但能看到近处的美加边境山峰,Fraser Valley,Sunshine Coast和Harrison area也能一览无遗....Elk Mountain Trail是加拿大军队建的,和民间的trail有所不同,是顺着Ridge的走势方便观察周边,没有很多Z字......

我们四人走得很爽,聊得也很开心,早早走完后在Chilliwack的一Pub集体享受了一壶冰镇生啤 :wink:

可惜光线太强,相片大多照得不如人意,勉强上几张再拿以前的几张凑数吧 :cry:
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-3 20:43:32 | 显示全部楼层
here are pics:

Slesse Mountain

Slesse & TommyHoi

Mt. Baker

发表于 2009-8-3 21:03:41 | 显示全部楼层

可惜這長週末要上班不能參加lulu組織的活動, 現在看看遊記也很寫意. :)

謝謝分享! :pics:
发表于 2009-8-3 21:26:24 | 显示全部楼层
:ding:  :aa51:
发表于 2009-8-3 23:02:53 | 显示全部楼层
A&W之Grandpa burger

话说好天同学发贴呼唤留守领导8.1 出来主持大局,望眼欲穿,也没有什么动静。谁知峰回路转,Lulu的队伍因为山火的关系取消了行程。 加之Paul的无私奉献,偶有幸搭了顺风车促成了8.1四人行。

因为集合太早,好天和Lulu还没有吃早饭。二人都觉得A&W的汉堡比较好吃,合乎中国人的口味 :) 于是乎在接到我之后去Abbotsford找 A&W店,早知道就在接我的地方就有了,这是后话。

好天同学叫了两个Grandpa burger,本想吃一个,带一个。为什么叫Grandpa burger呢,一来早上店里面有很多grandpa在里面,二来grandpa象征三代同堂,而这个burger里面也正好三个肉饼。完全乱说的。:kuang:  :kuang:

真好吃呀 :favor: ,好天同学吃完了1个之后仍任意犹未尽, 肚子似乎不是太饱。再来一个吧,索性把准备用来做午餐的burger也吃了,再买一个作午餐。这两个burger (6个肉饼,两个grandpa)的故事成就了这次的主旋律。

走了一段时间,好天同学说,似乎今天非常不在状态,我们纷纷说,因为burger吃多了 :ty:,偶觉得从时间来看应该还没有消化呢。 另外,
背在包里面应该比装在肚子里面容易一些吧? 好天同学又不断地喝水,固然有出汗补充水分的需要,这个Burger的副作用看来不小,“一定是加了MSG。” 另外报告,好天同学午餐时把burger留在鸟包里没有拿出来,爱不释手呀  :sm51:


看来怨念还是很深呀,个人窃以为该同学一个半月之内再也不会光顾A&W,3个月不会吃grandpa burger
发表于 2009-8-3 23:10:04 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks Lulu for organizing this trip, paying the side dishes, as well as the dry beef and encouragement.

Thanks Paul for driving us around and treating us the beer.

It's a pleasant, relaxing, and enjoyable hike for me. See you next time.
发表于 2009-8-3 23:24:29 | 显示全部楼层
照片上的那个Group也够大的,好象还有人用筷子. 不是你们的人吗?
发表于 2009-8-3 23:31:08 | 显示全部楼层
照片上的那个Group也够大的,好象还有人用筷子. 不是你们的人吗?


当天山上最大的Group是Chilliwack Hiking Club的人,10多个吧,而我们一行只有4人。
发表于 2009-8-4 17:02:08 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks Lulu for organizing this trip, paying the side dishes, as well as the dry beef and encouragement.

Thanks Paul for driving us around and treating us the beer.

It's a pleasant, relaxing, and enjoyable hike for me. See you next time.

Both Lulu and Paul are very hospitable and generous. I always have many happy experience when hiking with them as well.
发表于 2009-8-4 19:27:03 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Panolover and Hao Tian,
It was a pleasure to meet you and also meet Hao Tian again. I really enjoyed the day. I hope you didn't mind the morning tour of Abbotsford Airport when I took the wrong exit looking for A&W (locals always get lost when they change the roads //LOL) :shock:

I tried to translate your post as best as I could and found it fun and enjoyable to read. If I understand it correctly, I think it says something about Hao Tian discussing the advantages of researching and buying lightweight gear but loses the advantage after eating 2 grandpa burgers for breakfast (a total of 6 meat patties). That's ok, LuLu gave me her extra Papa Burger and it was delicious.
Thank you for the assistance on the steep parts going down. I'm slowly getting comfortable with it again.  :)

LuLu thank you for organizing these weekend trips, I know and appreciate how much effort it takes.

Hope to go hiking with you both again sometime soon

发表于 2009-8-4 20:25:31 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Panolover and Hao Tian,
It was a pleasure to meet you and also meet Hao Tian again. I really enjoyed the day. I hope you didn't mind the morning tour of Abbotsford Airport when I took the wrong exit looking for A&W (locals always get lost when they change the roads //LOL) :shock:

Paul, it's nice to hike with you. I bumped you last time in the Garibaldi lake but we didn't hike together as I was in the other group.
The morning tour to the Abbotsford Airport was fun, :D  I enjoyed it very much.  

I tried to translate your post as best as I could and found it fun and enjoyable to read. If I understand it correctly, I think it says something about Hao Tian discussing the advantages of researching and buying lightweight gear but loses the advantage after eating 2 grandpa burgers for breakfast (a total of 6 meat patties). That's ok, LuLu gave me her extra Papa Burger and it was delicious.

You got it. (I will prepare an English version for you next time).

Thank you for the assistance on the steep parts going down. I'm slowly getting comfortable with it again.  :)

You are welcome, glad to hear that you become more comfortable with it.   :cool!:
Looking forward to hiking with you in the near future.
发表于 2009-8-4 20:28:45 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks Lulu for organizing this trip, paying the side dishes, as well as the dry beef and encouragement.

Thanks Paul for driving us around and treating us the beer.

It's a pleasant, relaxing, and enjoyable hike for me. See you next time.

Both Lulu and Paul are very hospitable and generous. I always have many happy experience when hiking with them as well.[/quote]
We also mentioned about you, according to Haotian, you are listed as "好人榜第一名“ :D
发表于 2009-8-4 23:15:38 | 显示全部楼层
panolover同学的游记每一篇都有趣好看,看来有机会要去试试grandpa burger了, 记得不要一次吃2个(那就吃3个?)。 :D  
难怪中国的名厨做的菜分量都小, ‘好吃吗? 好吃!还有吗? 没有了!欢迎再次光临’  

发表于 2009-8-5 19:36:44 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks Lulu for organizing this trip, paying the side dishes, as well as the dry beef and encouragement.

Thanks Paul for driving us around and treating us the beer.

It's a pleasant, relaxing, and enjoyable hike for me. See you next time.

Both Lulu and Paul are very hospitable and generous. I always have many happy experience when hiking with them as well.[/quote]
We also mentioned about you, according to Haotian, you are listed as "好人榜第一名“ :D[/quote]

That's because Haotian has just returned to Vancouver and doesn't know many people here who had done much more good deeds behind the scene. They do not show off as I.  :mrgreen:
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