From my shopping experience, Prices are pretty much the same in MEC. You have to worry about the shipping, taxes and brokerage when shop and ship from the States.
To get there take the Upper Levels Highway (Highway 1) to the Lynn Valley Road exit (exit 19). Follow Lynn Valley Road in a north-easterly direction, past the Mountain Highway intersection, pass Lynn Canyon Park and just after Dempsey Road are the Park gates. After another 1.5 km brings you to the parking lot and information boards. This is Trailhead.
据我所知,Fedex Express的费用已包含清关费了,Ground Service 就要另外缴纳清关费,具体费用参看附图。UPS的规定也相类似。通过邮局的话,清关费一般都不收,除非金额比较大。北美自由贸易区不收关税的,但寄到BC,要补交GST+PST。不过通过邮局邮寄的话,金额不大的话,PST+GST也常常不收的,但FedEx、UPS之类的快递公司一般都免不了的。