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11月28、29日火锅小酒木屋Brew hut snowshoes/ski backpacking

发表于 2009-11-30 14:57:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
已经是第三次去Brew hut住小木屋了,每次都是lulu带队,每次小木屋里都留下了我们的欢声笑语,据说还都是伴着呼噜声 :D 才能进入甜美的梦乡。
我们一行十四人,两个分队:lulu分队有Asghar,googoo,Apple3800,Jerrybj,老杨,Markus,土猫和swimmer,Alex分队有Camony,Paul,Jinsi 和Gloria。
我们整装完毕已经是10:45,队伍浩浩荡荡的出发了,logging road一段大家都走在一起,一堆人马有说有笑,谈天说地,好个热闹。进入trail之后自然变成一列,Asghar一马当先带路,接下来的各自照顾脚下的路埋头前进。没有走出树林的时候天已经黑了下来,看不见yellow diamond,我们只好用头灯照亮,才能发现远处下一个trail mark的shiny face :D 。出了林子就没有标记了,偏巧Googoo这次偷懒没有带GPS,我们只好停下来等大队人马陆续到齐,可惜lulu的GPS的触摸屏不工作了,不能放大,只有箭头指示方向,还好加上Apple3800的指南针加以确认。终于,在大家的共同努力下,在伸手不见五指的8:10,我们到达了小木屋,野雪队比我们晚一个小时,辛苦 :wink:全体到位, 就此拉开了火锅小酒一幕。。。
发表于 2009-11-30 15:50:46 | 显示全部楼层
:sofa:  :hx:

Please post some pics.  - c
发表于 2009-11-30 16:15:09 | 显示全部楼层
这次天气不佳,风景相片不多。最有挑战性的是摸黑跟着GPS走,快接近Hut时,Swimmer,Tony,Ashgar,Lulu和我轮流Break Trail. 到最后Swimmer独自Break Trail,佩服佩服!
发表于 2009-11-30 16:57:40 | 显示全部楼层
可惜这次周日有事,没能参加活动。 强烈希望再组织一次。

发表于 2009-11-30 17:19:17 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-30 17:23:46 | 显示全部楼层
这次天气不佳,风景相片不多。最有挑战性的是摸黑跟着GPS走,快接近Hut时,Swimmer,Tony,Ashgar,Lulu和我轮流Break Trail. 到最后Swimmer独自Break Trail,佩服佩服!

没什么的,天太晚了,我想尽我所能让大家早一点到达小木屋呀,我也想啊!况且没走过这条trail的人已经心慌了啊,给点希望吗。哈哈,应该说快接近hut时googoo手持GPS,我走在前听指挥,他让我偏左一点我绝不敢偏半点,记得上次走这段路的时候是lulu指挥我,嗯,两次被“押解”到这小木屋,一个给多少人留下美好回忆的小木屋 :D
发表于 2009-11-30 18:18:29 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you evry one,good work
Thank you Tony for driving

Can i download video on this side?how?
发表于 2009-11-30 18:20:28 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you evry one,good work
Thank you Tony for driving

Can i download video on this side?how?

This is youtub but did not com with good quality

发表于 2009-11-30 19:17:23 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you evry one,good work
Thank you Tony for driving

Can i download video on this side?how?

This is youtub but did not com with good quality


发表于 2009-11-30 19:48:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-30 20:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you evry one,good work
Thank you Tony for driving

Can i download video on this side?how?

This is youtub but did not com with good quality



Hey Ashgar: you did a great job shooting the video. I enjoyed a lot!
发表于 2009-11-30 20:04:53 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you evry one,good work
Thank you Tony for driving

Can i download video on this side?how?

This is youtub but did not com with good quality


Thanks swimmer for starting the thread.

Thanks asghar for the video! It sure did capture the memorable moments and I love the music.

The hotpot was just awesome after a long cold hike!

Thank you lulu for organizing the trip and all group members for your spirit and company! Our morale was high despite the foul weather! :wink:

My camera is still drying... I'll post my pictures later.
发表于 2009-11-30 20:39:55 | 显示全部楼层
Just watched the video, it was so cool! You guys must have a great time up there! I got snow chains as well, but I've never got a chance to use them.
发表于 2009-11-30 22:38:02 | 显示全部楼层
You people have real fever. Admirable! And I like the video too.
发表于 2009-11-30 22:56:25 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 11月28、29日火锅小酒木屋Brew hut snowshoes/ski backpacking


脱不脱由你,我们有得看就不错了,哪还敢指正啊。 :lol:
发表于 2009-12-1 00:13:37 | 显示全部楼层

希望之光 – 11月28-29日Brew Hut風雨交加之行 (雪鞋/滑雪小組短記)

謝謝swimmer開帖, 在此簡略地記錄雪鞋/滑雪小組的行進經過.

希望之光 – 11月28-29日Brew Hut風雨交加之行 (雪鞋/滑雪小組短記)

我從未試過跟lulu去小木屋打火鍋, 而Brew Hut這在雪原中的小木屋已在以往的遊記出現多次, 這週末有空便決定參加令人心動的「雪鞋火鍋小酒」活動.

週六07:00h大家準時在雨中在西温集合, 雨是連續兩天一直下過不停. 到達Chance Creek FSR伐木路, 路況不好, 濕雪又滑又鬆, 縱使車子配備雪鏈也只能開至約2km處. 如swimmer所述, 10:45h出發, 大隊一起在logging road上走了7km, 14:10h到達Trailhead, 挑戰從那裏正式開始.

踏入Trailhead積雪頗深, 前段在樹林中穿梭行進, 爬高上山, 走雪鞋還可以, 但苦了野雪隊的隊員, 要在狹窄的山徑小心地滑過, 背着大包平衡並不容易, 腳也磨破了, 步步艱難. 到了後段的雪坡時天已全黑, 我們約在19:00h到達Brew Lake, 四周大霧迷濛, 全靠前隊的隊友開了路, 我們慢慢地跟着他們的足跡前進. 走了不久, 看見霧中有一綫光, 我們欣喜若狂, 以為快到小木屋了. 現在回想起來那應是前隊的頭燈, 但因那一點光輝, 給了我們新的力量, 努力行進. 爬最後的大雪坡時很吃力, 很佩服swimmer等在前辛苦開路, 我們的小隊在21:45h安全到達小木屋.

屋內已蒸氣騰騰, 火鍋飄來陣陣肉香, 暖洋洋的跟屋外寒風凛烈形成強的對比. 屋來有另外兩洋人, 與我們一起享用火鍋小酒, 大家酒酣耳熱, 在一片喜氣洋洋中在Brew Hut中過了愉快的一夜. 這是我露營以來最豐盛的一頓晚飯. :kx:

第二天07:00h起來, 天氣沒有改善, 仍是下着雨, 在霧中的能見度很低. 10:30h從小木屋出發, 跟着大隊的足跡前進. 因氣温上升, 在半山已是下雨, 積雪濕重, 不利滑野雪. 過了Brew Lake不久, 野雪隊員便要背上雪板, 開始徏步下山, 他們穿着ski boots, 幾乎是每三步下陷一步, 行進十分困難. lulu與我們一起走, 在前帶路, 在林子中夜幕已低垂, 18:15h回到Trailhead. 大家也累透了, 緩緩地從logging road下山, 鬥志頑強的滑野雪組在21:40h安全回到停車的地方. 早到的隊友們在車上耐心等候, 謝謝!   

我希望在天氣好的日子重遊Brew Hut, 感受那裏的雪原繁星夜空.



謝謝Alex, jerrybj, apple3800和老楊辛苦開車!



发表于 2009-12-1 13:27:29 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 11月28、29日火锅小酒木屋Brew hut snowshoes/ski backpacking


脱不脱由你,我们有得看就不错了,哪还敢指正啊。 :lol:[/quote]

:sm60: 小馬哥總能看到別人看不到的地方~~
发表于 2009-12-1 13:31:17 | 显示全部楼层

唉,回國連網站也上不了,真鬱悶啊 :cry:

期待相片及游記后續! :pics:  :hx:
发表于 2009-12-1 19:43:04 | 显示全部楼层
續完了遊記. :)
发表于 2009-12-1 20:31:36 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you to everyone for your efforts to get us to the top in those conditions, In particular to Lulu, Jinsi, and Gloria for their positive spirit and determination to help us skiers get there and to the great trail breaking and navigating crew of Swimmer, Ashgar, GooGoo (Albert), Apple (Tony) and the rest for showing us the way. All I could see and hear were words being shouted and people changing directions in the dark and whiteout. Truly incredible positive team work.

Jinsi, Lulu, and Gloria, many many thanks for assisting us with our skis to the Hut, your help with Camony and Alex and Bootpacking down the trail to the road. The conditions were certainly more than what we expected but it was your spirit that kept us going. Alex, Camony, and I really appreciated it.

The Hot Pot without question is always the best and certainly Ashgar's video tells the story.

Things I reminded myself about with my personal apologies to Camony and Alex. As I mentioned to them, I had not been up to Mount Brew for a long time and it probably would have been a good idea to:
1) Go skiing with your members at a resort first to check ability and gear ( ie: concerns for proper fitting boots for long distance travel)
2) Speak out when you feel that a persons health and comfort has changed and they may be better off turning back and come back to enjoy it another day (ie: The blisters developing)
3) Make sure I have enough energy to be attentive to their needs throughout the trip and at all times.

Thank you everyone
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