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楼主: swimmer

11月28、29日火锅小酒木屋Brew hut snowshoes/ski backpacking

发表于 2009-12-1 20:41:45 | 显示全部楼层
上照片. :lol:



路況不好, 車只能開至2 km處.

路況不好, 車只能開至2 km處.

在Paul和Asghar的協助下為車子裝上雪鏈. Thanks Paul and Asghar for your help to install the snow chains!

在Paul和Asghar的協助下為車子裝上雪鏈. Thanks Paul and Asghar for your help to install the snow chains!
发表于 2009-12-1 20:42:53 | 显示全部楼层

前段在林中行進, 路標清晰.

前段在林中行進, 路標清晰.

進入Trailhead, 挑戰正式開始.

進入Trailhead, 挑戰正式開始.

在logging road途中午飯小歇.

在logging road途中午飯小歇.
发表于 2009-12-1 20:44:07 | 显示全部楼层





野雪隊的隊員, 要在狹窄的山徑小心地滑過, 並不容易.

野雪隊的隊員, 要在狹窄的山徑小心地滑過, 並不容易.
发表于 2009-12-1 20:45:20 | 显示全部楼层

豐盛的菜餚. (是第二天早上補拍的, 第一天晚上太餓了, 顧着吃, 沒有拍照.)

豐盛的菜餚. (是第二天早上補拍的, 第一天晚上太餓了, 顧着吃, 沒有拍照.)


发表于 2009-12-1 20:46:23 | 显示全部楼层



一夜風雪, 我們的裝備也結了一層厚霜.

一夜風雪, 我們的裝備也結了一層厚霜.

風雪中的Brew Hut.

風雪中的Brew Hut.
发表于 2009-12-1 20:47:22 | 显示全部楼层
續...... (完)

終於到達logging road了! 小休一會便要從logging road下山.

終於到達logging road了! 小休一會便要從logging road下山.

過了Brew Lake不久, 野雪隊員便要背上雪板, 開始徏步下山, 他們穿着ski boots, 幾乎是每三步下陷一步, 行進十分困難.

過了Brew Lake不久, 野雪隊員便要背上雪板, 開始徏步下山, 他們穿着ski boots, 幾乎是每三步下陷一步, 行進十分困難.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-1 21:19:42 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you evry one,good work
Thank you Tony for driving

Can i download video on this side?how?

May I have your email address for your pictures?
发表于 2009-12-1 23:58:33 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you evry one,good work
Thank you Tony for driving

Can i download video on this side?how?

May I have your email address for your pictures?[/quote]

Hi Swimmer
I did send you. Let me know if you did not receive.
Thank you. [/quote]
发表于 2009-12-2 07:09:41 | 显示全部楼层

I'll summarize when I feel better.  - camony
发表于 2009-12-2 12:34:05 | 显示全部楼层

I'm not sure if I translated this correct but I will try to summarize.
In this case, it was definitely a benefit to have snowshoers along who could assist us due to the varying snow conditions. In general although ski's go quickly downhill, there may be times due to conditions that we are slower, so generally we could all stay together. This route has alot of variety which controls the effectiveness of the skiers going both up and down ie: trees, gullies, and rolling terrain. All in all it made for a good team effort. Most generally speaking snowshoers may be able to travel more easily if the conditions for skiers becomes difficult. Does that make sense?
发表于 2009-12-2 12:49:29 | 显示全部楼层

I'm not sure if I translated this correct but I will try to summarize.
In this case, it was definitely a benefit to have snowshoers along who could assist us due to the varying snow conditions. In general although ski's go quickly downhill, there may be times due to conditions that we are slower, so generally we could all stay together. This route has alot of variety which controls the effectiveness of the skiers going both up and down ie: trees, gullies, and rolling terrain. All in all it made for a good team effort. Most generally speaking snowshoers may be able to travel more easily if the conditions for skiers becomes difficult. Does that make sense?[/quote]

It is amazed to me that the translator really does the job!
发表于 2009-12-2 20:02:06 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-2 21:14:34 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 11月28、29日火锅小酒木屋Brew hut snowshoes/ski backpacking


脱不脱由你,我们有得看就不错了,哪还敢指正啊。 :lol:[/quote]

发表于 2009-12-2 22:41:45 | 显示全部楼层

I'm not sure if I translated this correct but I will try to summarize.
In this case, it was definitely a benefit to have snowshoers along who could assist us due to the varying snow conditions. In general although ski's go quickly downhill, there may be times due to conditions that we are slower, so generally we could all stay together. This route has alot of variety which controls the effectiveness of the skiers going both up and down ie: trees, gullies, and rolling terrain. All in all it made for a good team effort. Most generally speaking snowshoers may be able to travel more easily if the conditions for skiers becomes difficult. Does that make sense?[/quote]

I tried to translate ops' question with Worldlingo into English. Wow, the translation is pretty close!

I agree with Paul. The Brew Hut trail, depending on the weather/snow conditions etc, can be extremely challenging for both skiers and snowshoers.
发表于 2009-12-3 00:15:22 | 显示全部楼层
休息了三天, 原氣也慢慢恢復過來。事後檢討, 都是高估自已的能了, 受了不少皮肉之苦。幸好有同學們守望相助, 終可以支持到底。言猶在耳, 當腳傷痊癒後, 可能又想再接受挑戰。 :roll:  其實都應從序漸進, 不能一步登天。

Thank you Swimmer,Tony, Ashgar, Lulu & GooGoo for breaking the trail.

感謝土猫, Swimmer放下美食, 在金絲帶領下摸黑從溫暖的小木屋趕出來給我們帶來雪鞋。


Thank you Asghar for cleaning up the hut and making the video.  We really enjoy it!

Thank you Paul for chaining our FJ and guiding us on such challenging terrains.  Should we try again?  :wink:

Heartfelt thanks to Jinsi, Gloria & Lulu, 一路上陪伴在我們左右,替我們背東西, 當我們摔倒,替我們拉起背包, 我們的腿被雪壓著, 又用鏟子把雪推開。到了logging road, 還是放心不下, 又回頭找我們, 令她們的體力消耗不少。 :gd:

要同伴們在風雨中守候我們, 擔誤大家歸家時間。由其是Jerry大哥, 回到家可能已是零晨三點鐘, 真不好意思!  :oops:

大家對我們的關愛, 真是無言感激!
发表于 2009-12-3 00:19:11 | 显示全部楼层
聽Lulu說土猫當晚有點不舒服,可能受了風寒, 希望妳 & 格格巫早日康復!
发表于 2009-12-3 00:46:14 | 显示全部楼层

去年在ruseet lake看到3个日本人滑野雪,每人只带一个薄睡袋,少量食品,住小木屋,3人共用一套炉具。这样每人只背一个小包即可。
发表于 2009-12-3 06:46:14 | 显示全部楼层

去年在ruseet lake看到3个日本人滑野雪,每人只带一个薄睡袋,少量食品,住小木屋,3人共用一套炉具。这样每人只背一个小包即可。

是自已的技術未到家, 要大大改進。 :oops:
发表于 2009-12-3 12:21:27 | 显示全部楼层
要同伴們在風雨中守候我們, 擔誤大家歸家時間...真不好意思!  :oops: ...真是無言的感激!

不好意思要老杨担心我們, 老杨驅車把一些隊友送回西溫教堂, 他自己在教堂等了一個小時有多才離去. 真是無言的感激!
发表于 2009-12-3 12:45:53 | 显示全部楼层
休息了三天, 原氣也慢慢恢復過來。事後檢討, 都是高估自已的能了, 受了不少皮肉之苦。幸好有同學們守望相助, 終可以支持到底。言猶在耳, 當腳傷痊癒後, 可能又想再接受挑戰。 :roll:  其實都應從序漸進, 不能一步登天。

Thank you Swimmer,Tony, Ashgar, Lulu & GooGoo for breaking the trail.

感謝土猫, Swimmer放下美食, 在金絲帶領下摸黑從溫暖的小木屋趕出來給我們帶來雪鞋。


Thank you Asghar for cleaning up the hut and making the video.  We really enjoy it!

Thank you Paul for chaining our FJ and guiding us on such challenging terrains.  Should we try again?  :wink:

Heartfelt thanks to Jinsi, Gloria & Lulu, 一路上陪伴在我們左右,替我們背東西, 當我們摔倒,替我們拉起背包, 我們的腿被雪壓著, 又用鏟子把雪推開。到了Service Road, 還是放心不下, 又回頭找我們, 令她們的體力消耗不少。 :gd:

要同伴們在風雨中守候我們, 擔誤大家歸家時間。由其是Jerry大哥, 回到家可能已是零晨三點鐘, 真不好意思!  :oops:

大家對我們的關愛, 真是無言的感激!


Do not need to mention this. I am sure u would do the same thing for us as friends.
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