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楼主: Dada

歡歌熱舞賀新年---2010元旦與山月同歡,與雨雪共舞(Mt. Steele 01-03Jan'2010)

发表于 2010-1-5 20:58:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-1-5 21:00:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-1-5 21:01:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-1-5 21:02:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-1-5 21:24:11 | 显示全部楼层
玩得很开心,谢谢各位队友(Thank you everyone, I had a wonderful trip),我随便写点:


连续两天吃火锅有点太rich,想今后会少些火锅,多炖些汤粥再烤些面包大饼之类也会吃得很舒服。除了Tony的招牌蘑茹木耳鸡蛋靓汤外,我想了两道靓汤下次带,一个是西红柿牛肉片靓汤(牛肉事先切好片用嫩肉粉调料浆好),还是一个是白菜虾蓉冻豆腐汤(Richmond T&T的Shrimp Paste很好吃,豆腐冻好,行前挤去水带上,也不会太重),其它的汤类正在研究中,这次发现面包大饼bagel烤热了吃很香,可以用锡铂纸包好了烤。


雨中的北京特色小吃糖卷果和Paul的Tabouli Salad很好吃很好吃

Asghar和大家分享不少他的小食,他太腐败了,居然还带牛奶 :wink:
发表于 2010-1-5 21:35:28 | 显示全部楼层

:sm5f: I couldn't believe I did not have 雨中的北京特色小吃糖卷果!!!!  :sx:
发表于 2010-1-5 22:09:45 | 显示全部楼层

:sm5f: I couldn't believe I did not have 雨中的北京特色小吃糖卷果!!!!  :sx:[/quote]

I had to help Carol to finish all the dessert before we set off and you said you didn't have any of it?!
发表于 2010-1-5 22:13:39 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 歡歌熱舞賀新年---2010元旦與山月同歡,與雨雪共舞(Mt. Steele 01-03Jan'2010)

:kx:  :aa10:




Here is my version of a trip report wrttten in the form of a poem. I hope it translates ok for everyone to read
发表于 2010-1-5 22:13:49 | 显示全部楼层
玩得很开心,谢谢各位队友(Thank you everyone, I had a wonderful trip),我随便写点:


连续两天吃火锅有点太rich,想今后会少些火锅,多炖些汤粥再烤些面包大饼之类也会吃得很舒服。除了Tony的招牌蘑茹木耳鸡蛋靓汤外,我想了两道靓汤下次带,一个是西红柿牛肉片靓汤(牛肉事先切好片用嫩肉粉调料浆好),还是一个是白菜虾蓉冻豆腐汤(Richmond T&T的Shrimp Paste很好吃,豆腐冻好,行前挤去水带上,也不会太重),其它的汤类正在研究中,这次发现面包大饼bagel烤热了吃很香,可以用锡铂纸包好了烤。


雨中的北京特色小吃糖卷果和Paul的Tabouli Salad很好吃很好吃

Asghar和大家分享不少他的小食,他太腐败了,居然还带牛奶 :wink:

我觉得 lulu 的 massage 很舒服,这个应该作为以后的保留节目... :sm51:
发表于 2010-1-5 22:15:49 | 显示全部楼层
Mount Steele CAbin Fever Fun :D

The morning of our New Year’s trip
We boarded on a Ferry Ship
To Langdale, Gibsons, and beyond
And soon to Sechelt, did not take long
Eleven people joined this group
Eager for some Hot Pot Soup
And then to celebrate 2010
On Mt. Steele and back again
Asghar, Sook, and Windy came
And so did Dada, Rick and Rain
Also too Lao Jung, and Tony
Myself and Daisy with food a plenty
Lulu kept the group together
We’re set to go despite the weather

Through wind and rain and snow and hail
Our CROSSNA team it did prevail
Steele Cabin was our hope that night
But Edward's (cabin) was a welcome sight
Lulu got the Hot Pot going
While Cabin numbers just kept growing
We ended up with twenty five
Including those who slept outside

The night was long and full of fun
With food, and drinks and songs we sung
Two men had brought their Ukuleles
And home made Liquor, far better than Baileys
They shared their whiskey and talents with us
Playing songs with hardly a fuss
Lao Jung and Lulu provided a pleasure
By offering massage and acupressure
Dada took pictures and Rick held the light
While playing a short game of Charades that night
Slowly but surely we all went to bed
Sook, Lulu, and Daisy to their tent they fled
Tony stayed up just a little bit longer
And slept in a snow fortress
Which he made much stronger
Asghar found a cozy corner
Near the stove and much warmer
We mostly slept without a snore
While others still partied with a roar

The next Day we got organized
With packs that had been much down-sized
And headed out onto the trail
Up to Mount Steele in a coastal Gail
We carefully climbed a gully place
Giving each a little space
When Steele Cabin came in site
We chose to stop for some respite
Then to Mount Steele it was our hope
But chose to avoid an Avy slope
We did however reach the top
Of a lesser summit at which we stopped.

At days end we did return
To Edwards Cabin where we did learn
That some folks left and some had come
But just enough to have some fun
There was some Hot Pot left to cook
And shared with others who had a look
Melting snow it kept us busy
And then relaxed and took it easy
Asghar slept downstairs that night
And kept the burning embers alight

The Final day to our delight,
The sun came out and shone so bright
We took some group pictures at the end
And said good bye to our new friends
The short trip down was uneventful
When suddenly we came upon an eyeful
An ice sculptor had come to play :wink:
And left his mark in a different way
We shall not say what he created,
But some seemed very much elated
Some teased and hugged the snowy statue
And took some pictures of those who dared to
Then back to the trailhead we did return
Down the road Sechelt for refreshments we yearned
In the end all was good and we were safe back at home
It sure is more fun in groups than alone

Thank you to Lulu and everyone for such a fun weekend. I really enjoyed myself.
发表于 2010-1-5 22:16:33 | 显示全部楼层
Sorry every one
I had wrong spelling for my emails that I have corrected.
You can also use my shaw


For larg file you can ues this program

发表于 2010-1-5 22:20:09 | 显示全部楼层
more pics :wink:

发表于 2010-1-5 22:27:19 | 显示全部楼层
Mount Steele CAbin Fever Fun :D

The morning of our New Year’s trip....
In the end all was good and we were safe back at home
It sure is more fun in groups than alone

Thank you to Lulu and everyone for such a fun weekend. I really enjoyed myself.

! Thank-you Paul!
发表于 2010-1-5 22:28:34 | 显示全部楼层
more pics :wink:

发表于 2010-1-5 22:42:30 | 显示全部楼层
Mount Steele CAbin Fever Fun :D

The morning of our New Year’s trip....
In the end all was good and we were safe back at home
It sure is more fun in groups than alone

Thank you to Lulu and everyone for such a fun weekend. I really enjoyed myself.

! Thank-you Paul![/quote]

thank You Rick, oh btw I tried to translate your first post but could only figure out something about Beijing Sugar Candy that you forgot to bring?
发表于 2010-1-5 22:58:56 | 显示全部楼层
thank You Rick, oh btw I tried to translate your first post but could only figure out something about Beijing Sugar Candy that you forgot to bring?

It was referring to "rain" home made candy I didn't have a chance to try it out. For some strange reason I totally missed out!  :cry:
发表于 2010-1-5 23:25:40 | 显示全部楼层
WOW! Nice party on Steele!

Thanks for sharing everyone!

...我想了两道靓汤下次带,一个是西红柿牛肉片靓汤(牛肉事先切好片用嫩肉粉调料浆好),还是一个是白菜虾蓉冻豆腐汤(Richmond T&T的Shrimp Paste很好吃,豆腐冻好,行前挤去水带上,也不会太重),其它的汤类正在研究中,这次发现面包大饼bagel烤热了吃很香,可以用锡铂纸包好了烤。...

I'm looking forward to lulu's new recipes! :sm5e:

Mount Steele CAbin Fever Fun :D...
The night was long and full of fun
With food, and drinks and songs we sung
Two men had brought their Ukuleles
And home made Liquor, far better than Baileys
They shared their whiskey and talents with us
Playing songs they knew with hardly a fuss
Lao Jung and Lulu provided a pleasure
By offering massages and acupressure
Dada took pictures and Rick held the light
While playing a short game of Charades that night
Slowly but surely we all went to bed
Sook, Lulu, and Daisy to their tent they fled
Tony stayed up just a little bit longer
And slept in a snow fortress
Which he made much stronger
Asghar found a cozy corner
Near the stove and much warmer
We mostly slept without a snore
While others still partied with plenty a roar...

A fun read and great narrative! :lol:
发表于 2010-1-5 23:33:15 | 显示全部楼层
:aa10: 新年快乐!
看游记就知道你们有多开心了,很是羡慕啊! :jm:  :pics:
发表于 2010-1-6 13:16:28 | 显示全部楼层
Rick: You will still have chance to taste it next time when my mom make it. I will provide the recipe. (Probably you were busy with someone at that moment, ha-ha understandable, nothing else is more important  :wink: )

Sook: I so much like your dried rice and I think it's very good idea to bring for hiking. I will try to make it.

Paul: I can even visualize you are singing the poem with rhythm while playing your Gitar. Very special trip report, so talent, like it!


发表于 2010-1-6 18:53:24 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks Lulu and everyone! I really enjoyed this trip
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