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楼主: Angelbella

分享古典音樂 & 器樂

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-16 21:09:07 | 显示全部楼层
這個星期,將與你分享一些2011年和2012年歐美最流行女歌手的現代歌曲。流行歌手沒有先後的排名字。Nicki Minaj,        Beyonce, Kesha,Britney Spears 布蘭妮,Jennifer Lopez詹妮弗•洛佩茲,Taylor Swift  泰勒斯威夫特, Kelly Clarkson凱莉•克拉克森,         Adele阿黛勒, Katy Perry凱蒂•佩里, Jennifer Lopez, Avril Lavigne,        Rihana, Lady Gaga, Shakira夏奇拉...
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-16 21:33:03 | 显示全部楼层
Taylor_swift (Country Pop)

"Mean" was awarded Best Country Song and Best Country Solo Performance at the 54th Grammy Awards.

Biography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_swift
Official Website: http://taylorswift.com/

泰勒斯威夫特(生於1989年12月13日), 是美國年輕的創作型歌手.  她有一個美麗的聲音和風格, 是一個漂亮的女孩。她在社交網絡不是很知名,但在音樂聽眾之中相當有名望。她悅耳的聲音和小小年紀,吸引了來自世界各地的人。她簽約independent label Big Machine Records,成為有史以來最年輕的詞曲由索尼/ ATV音樂出版公司聘請。她於2006年開始她的音樂生涯。她最流行的專輯是她的第三個專輯 "Speak Now" (2010)兩年前發布,她的受歡迎程度圖,在吉尼斯世界紀錄列入巨大的影響。她被音樂界名為“2009年,2011年藝術女牛人”.

她在2006年推出她自首張同名專輯。斯威夫特創作了五首歌: "Tim McGraw", "Picture to Burn", "Teardrops on My Guitar", "Our Song" and "Should've Said No". 她在第50屆格萊美獎“最佳新進藝人的提名。

在2008年,斯威夫特發行了她的第二張專輯,Fearless,從而成為一個商業成功。發行了七首歌:"Love Story", "White Horse", "You Belong with Me", "Fifteen" and "Fearless".。斯威夫特創作了第二專輯中的歌曲7首歌,其中包括兩場單打,其餘的六首歌曲與他人合作譜寫。專輯獲得了四項格萊美(grammy award)獎,斯威夫特成為了有史以來最年輕的年度專輯冠軍。Fearless也獲得了美國音樂獎,鄉村音樂獎, 鄉村音樂年度喝彩專輯協會獎, 和 在鄉村音樂歷史上獲獎最多的專輯。為支持專輯,斯威夫特迅速進行了105日Fearless的世界巡演。The Billboard 命名她為2009年的年度藝術家。

斯威夫特在2010年推出她的第三張專輯,”Speak Now”,它在第一個星期售出超過一百萬份。Written and composed entirely by Swift, the record spawned six songs—"Mine", "Back to December", "Mean", "The Story of Us", "Sparks Fly" and "Ours". "Mean" was awarded Best Country Song and Best Country Solo Performance at the 54th Grammy Awards. 斯威夫特111日的”Speak Now World Tour” 世界巡迴演唱會吸引了超過1.6萬球迷參加,並已成為所有時間最賣座的巡迴演唱會之一。在2011年,The Billboard命名的年斯威夫特為2011年的年度女藝術家。


Live concert:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... screen&NR=1

Top Tracks:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... 71vp-9iWci4ryhkG4Us
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-16 21:54:22 | 显示全部楼层
Taylor Swift - You Belong to Me

Taylor Swift - Love Story

Taylor Swift - Tear Drops on my Guitar

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-16 21:55:19 | 显示全部楼层
Taylor Swift - Ours

Taylor Swift - White Horse

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-17 13:01:29 | 显示全部楼层
Taylor Swift - Back to December

Taylor Swift = Tim McGraw

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-17 13:25:56 | 显示全部楼层
阿黛爾•阿德金斯 Adele Laurie Blue Adkins

Official Website: http://adele.tv/
Biography: http://baike.baidu.com/view/6486723.htm

音樂曲風:Soul、R&B、Gospel、Folk、Jazz、Blues、Electric Pop.

Adele - Someone Like You

阿黛勒(Adele Laurie Blue Adkins),生於1988年5月5日在英國倫敦南部的恩菲爾德倫敦自治市,是英國獨立歌手。 Adele表示自己受美國爵士、藍調歌手埃塔•詹姆絲與(Etta Jame)“爵士樂第一夫人”艾拉•費茲潔拉(Ella Fitzgerald)的影響,並形容自己的音樂風格是“心碎的靈魂”(Heartbroken Soul)。

她以首張專輯《19》獲得水星音樂獎提名,並在英國專輯排行榜上得到第一名佳績;該專輯並以在英國超過200萬、全球超過700萬的銷售量獲得7x白金銷售認證。曾獲得第51屆格萊美年度最佳新人,最佳流行女歌手獎等榮譽, 也是首位全英音樂獎評審團獎的得主。

2012年,都足以稱之為全球歌壇的“阿黛爾” 奇蹟年。阿黛爾的歌聲在很多國家飄蕩, 從格萊美獎到英國音樂獎. 阿黛爾拿獎拿到手軟。 2012年第54屆格萊美音樂節中,阿黛爾她毫無懸念地一人摘得“年度最佳專輯” 、“最佳流行歌手”、“年度最佳歌曲”、“年度最佳製作”等六項含金量超高的大獎,創造了奇蹟。

而後,她又在全英音樂獎(Brits)頒獎禮上出盡了風頭,獲得兩項最高榮譽:””最佳英國專輯和”最佳英國女歌手”。再其後,今年4月,在《時代周刊》 的2012年百名世界最有影響力人物排行榜上,評選為全球最美女性第14位。不僅如此,她可謂名利雙收,憑專輯《21》在全球銷量突破1800萬。世界範圍內共銷售2600萬張唱片。個人身家總值升到2000萬英鎊,成為英國最富的青年歌手。

代表作品: 《Daydreams》、 《Chasing Pavements 》、 《Rolling In The Deep 》、《Someone Like You》

Biography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adele_%28singer%29
Biography: http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E9%98%BF%E9%BB%9B%E5%8B%92

Top Tracks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... Ta1N-0ScMZTtqtIJv17

Adele - Album 21


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-17 21:26:58 | 显示全部楼层
阿黛爾為什麼這麼光芒四射?她為何能在全球席捲起一陣風暴?為何她能在全球賣出2100萬張唱 片?是因為她那富有磁性,渾厚的聲音打動人的心靈,讓全世界的人產生共鳴!她的催人淚下的歌詞,濃重的英式口音,再加上高潮時近乎哭泣的煙嗓,讓歌聲穿透冷冽的空氣直達人心。她的獨特的煙嗓配合耐人尋味的曲調,每一個字都直擊心靈,散發出一種滲透到靈魂深處的震撼。她有讓人聽後不忘的嗓音,直擊靈魂深處的最柔軟也是最脆弱的地方——她用心靈之聲打動了全世界體驗過失戀的人們,也用自己的心靈與自己的感受無與倫比地加深了這些感受,所有這些,構成了Adele最直擊人心的聲音——靈魂之聲!她不用所謂的電音或後期合成,而是無比真摯抒情地抒發自己心底最真實最真摯的情感,也深深地感染了聽者,令聽者沉浸在她的世界裡欲罷不能,感受著她最真實的感觸!最原音最真實的跨國界的靈魂之聲——Adele!

專輯<<21>>中的首支打榜單曲《Rolling in the Deep》在包括美國、英國在內的8個國家的流行音樂單曲榜中奪冠。在美國,《Rolling in the Deep》的數字下載總銷量共計達到了450萬張。

Adele - Rolling in the Deep (2012 Grammy Award)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-17 23:31:14 | 显示全部楼层
Adele - Set Fire to The Rain

"Set Fire To The Rain"
I let it fall, my heart,
And as it fell you rose to claim it
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me

My hands, they're strong
But my knees were far too weak,
To stand in your arms
Without falling to your feet

But there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew.
All the things you'd say
They were never true, never true,
And the games you play
You would always win, always win.

But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name!

When I lay with you
I could stay there
Close my eyes
Feel you here forever
You and me together
Nothing is better

'Cause there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew,
All the things you'd say,
They were never true, never true,
And the games you play
You would always win, always win.

But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name!

I set fire to the rain
And I threw us into the flames
Where it felt something die
'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time!

Sometimes I wake up by the door,
That heart you caught must be waiting for you
Even now when we're already over
I can't help myself from looking for you.

I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name

I set fire to the rain,
And I threw us into the flames
Where it felt something die
'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time, ohhhh!

Oh noooo
Let it burn, oh
Let it burn
Let it burn
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 00:03:19 | 显示全部楼层
Adele - Chasing Pavements


I've made up my mind,
No need to think it over,
If i'm wrong I aint right,
No need to look no further,
This ain't lust,
This is love but,

If i tell the world,
I'll never say enough,
Cause it was not said to you,
And thats exactly what i need to do,
If i'm in love with you,

Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere

I'd build myself up,
And fly around in circles,
Wait then as my heart drops,
and my back begins to tingle
finally could this be it

Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere

Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-23 16:21:16 | 显示全部楼层
Adele's other songs:

Adele - Turning Tables

Adele - Rumour Has It
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... amp;feature=related

Adele - New Single 2012
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... amp;feature=related

Adele - Only and only you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... amp;feature=related

Adele - Hometown glory
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... ;amp;feature=relmfu

樂壇審美在改變 source from http://www.zwbk.org/zh-tw/Lemma_Show/228992.aspx#5

Lady Gaga說阿黛爾是“自己唯一的對手”。從各大音樂頒獎禮上的硝煙四起,到兩大歌迷陣營的背地廝殺,甚至是無意間某個雷同的發型,處在風口浪尖上的阿黛爾和Lady Gaga總逃不過被拿來比較。

“我一點也不適應現在的舞台,因爲我不是Lady Gaga。”在接受英國《太陽報》採訪時阿黛爾說,“有時我會想,如果有一天成爲像Lady Gaga那樣的名人,正常人的生活成了一種奢望,那會嚇死我的。如果真的要到那種程度我可能無法再繼續喜愛的音樂事業了。”

美妝、華服似乎從來不是這位歌手的興奮點,而微胖的身材也並沒有影響阿黛爾的自信。 “我不唱不喜歡的歌,不穿不合適的衣服,更不會變來變去。我始終忠於內心。”面對媒體,阿黛爾總不夠圓滑,卻顯得真實。

“我至今仍記得她說的一句話,'我爲耳朵歌唱,不是眼睛。'她的忘我歌唱讓她在舞台上魅力十足。Lady Gaga就像一顆紅豔的蘋果,惹人愛卻不長久,阿黛爾則是一粒蘋果樹的種子,不起眼,卻能在人的心中成長,迎來春天,開花結果。”伊萬·巴克斯戴爾對《中國新聞周刊》說。

最不喜歡別人拿自己的“胖”作文章的阿黛爾,還是被Lady Gaga的粉絲們嘲笑了一把。他們做了一段視頻,讓一個演員扮演阿黛爾演唱:“我就是這樣肥,因爲Arby(一家美國餐廳)從​​來不會出錯,我總是能得到我要的食物,寶貝,我生來就這麼肥。”不管這有無觸及阿黛爾的痛點,這個以胖爲特點的歌手,最近還是決定嚐試“減掉幾磅”。

“能夠吸引不同年齡層的歌迷,說明阿黛爾在走中間路線,卻不能真正激發某一部分人。” 盡管受眾範圍廣泛,一些樂評人卻並不認爲這是她的優勢。對此,加拿大小夥格倫·加西亞似乎有同感,他告訴《中國新聞周刊》,“我欣賞阿黛爾的天賦,但她似乎越來越主流和大眾化了。”

不過,有些樂評人則持相反看法。 “生活中的阿黛爾就是一個普通的女孩子,沒有特別的愛好。她的聲音讓所有人喜歡,也正是這種大眾化反而讓人覺得親近。”英國著名的《新音樂快遞》雜志編輯克里斯·莫里森說。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-23 16:24:28 | 显示全部楼层
Adele 穫得榮譽




2012年2月13日, 第54屆格萊美頒獎禮在美國洛杉磯擧行。阿黛爾榮穫最佳年度唱片、最佳年度歌曲、年度專輯、最佳流行專輯、最佳流行個人演出獎和最佳音樂錄像帶。 

Adele - Day Dreamer

The Lyrics.

Sittin' on the sea
Soaking up the sun
He is a real lover
Makin' up the past
And feeling up his girl
Like he's never felt
Her figure before
Jaw dropper
Looks good
When he when he walks
He is the subject of their talk
He would be hard to chase
But good to catch
And he could change the world
With his hands
Behind his back, oh

You can find him sittin'
On your doorstep
Waiting for the surprise
It will feel like
He's been there for hours
And you can tell
That he'll be there for life

With eyes that make you melt
He lends his coat for shelter
Plus he's there for you
When he shouldn't be
But he stays all the same
Waits for you
And then sees you through
There's no way
I could describe him
All I say is
Just what I'm hoping for

But I will find him
Sittin' on my doorstep
Waiting for the surprise
It will feel
Like he's been
There for hours
And I can tell
He'll be there for life
And I can tell
He'll be there for life.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-23 17:06:08 | 显示全部楼层
Whitney Houston - I will always loving you (the movie The Bodyguard)

Biography: http://www.zwbk.org/MyLemmaShow.aspx?lid=228816

惠特妮·休斯頓(英文名:Whitney Elizabeth Houston,1963年8月9日-2012年2月11日)美國樂壇巨星,她以強而有力的嗓音、一字多轉音的感染力與寬廣的音域,所被譽為美國第一嗓。惠特妮在全世界有超過一億七千萬張專輯的銷售紀錄。她是首張專輯銷量最高的女歌手和單張專輯銷量最高的女歌手。惠特妮也是billboard音樂排行榜第一位連續締造7首冠軍單曲的女歌手。根據吉尼斯世界紀錄,惠特妮是獲獎最多的女歌手(獲獎416次,提名562次)。美國時間2012年2月11日在比弗利希爾頓酒店被宣布死亡,死因是心髒病發滑入浴缸溺水而亡,終年48歲.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-23 18:08:54 | 显示全部楼层
Interrupting with two jazz musics, Have a good evening, & Enjoy!!

爵士樂的魅力很大程度上在於它是一門表達情感與情緒的藝術。許多爵士樂手一生都在述說著人世間的喜、怒、哀、樂。爵士樂需要的是一種親和力,正是這樣一位貌似平凡的充滿陽光般喜悅的人Dave Brubeck締造了爵士樂壇最為本色的聲音。

Dave Brubeck是唯一一位贏得國際聲譽的西海岸風格的爵士鋼琴手。他的作品中充滿了古典音樂的痕跡,雖然他也跟著名的作曲家Darius Milhaud學習過作曲,但Dave Brubeck並不能算是真正意義上的古典鋼琴家,他只是把古典的理論用於編曲與即興演奏。除了是一名傑出的鋼琴演奏家外,Dave Brubeck還是一位偉大的作曲家。他的作品結構簡潔、旋律悅耳、編排精巧,給人以持久的新鮮感,難怪有人把他的音樂稱為爵士樂與流行樂的完美組合。

Dave Brubeck四重奏成為了爵士樂的瑰寶,而同樣能體現Dave Brubeck個性與才華的還有他的獨奏作品。然而他的獨奏作品大部分是在家中完成的,於是作品的畫龍點睛之處便具備了即興與真情的實感,這才使得Dave Brubeck的音樂長盛不衰。

Dave Brubeck - Take Five

Time Out Album 1959 Stereo


《Take Five》是一支為爵士樂做出劃時代貢獻的樂曲,也是爵士歷史上最有名的樂曲之一。是否覺得Take Five這兩個單詞看上去似乎眼熟了?因為現在全世界以Take Five命名的咖啡廳、酒吧、店鋪或是樂團太多了,所以才會使人有這種感覺。

上世紀五十年代末,Dave Brubeck Quartet組合中的靈魂人物中音薩克斯手Paul Desmond寫了這一首名叫Take Five的四重奏樂曲,最開始時這首爵士樂以單曲的形式發行,由於採用了極為罕見的5/4拍,這在當時的爵士音樂界引起了強烈震動,並受到廣泛批評,但在符合大眾口味的金曲排行榜上卻可以和彼時如日中天的貓王的歌曲抗衡。

由於Paul Desmond在爵士歷史上的地位與名氣都遠遠不如Dave Brubeck,《Take Five》的曲作者經常被誤以為是Dave Brubeck。而實際上由Dave Brubeck、Paul Desmond、Joe Morello、Eugene Wright組成的四重奏組合在1959年發行的專輯《Time Out》裡,Dave Brubeck的確是除《Take Five》之外的所有樂曲的作者,這張專輯中八分之九拍、四分之五拍、四分之六拍等諸多非常規爵士樂節拍也有出現,但《Take Five》在爵士樂史上石破天驚的意義顯然非專輯中其他樂曲可以比擬,在後來發行的絕大多數關於Dave Brubeck Quartet的精選專輯中,幾乎100%都會收錄。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-23 21:50:03 | 显示全部楼层
Denis Solee - That Old Black Magic

For Star Trek Voyager fans, "That old Black Magic" song was sung by Seven of Nine during a simulation of World War II on the first part of the episode "The Killing Game". It was also performed by The Doctor, Harry Kim and his jazz band called 'Harry Kim and the Kimtones' in the episode "Virtuoso".

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-23 23:18:27 | 显示全部楼层
每一代人都有所處時代一些喜歡的音樂給大家欣賞和享受。不抨擊任何類型的音樂,讓我們慶祝音樂的力量。Please, 欣賞妮娜西蒙 (Nina Simone)的"感覺不錯"。

"Feeling Good" (also known as "Feelin' Good") is a song written by English singer-songwriters Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse for the 1965 musical The Roar of the Greasepaint - The Smell of the Crowd starring Cy Grant, who sang the original version of the song. The song has notably been covered by artists such as Nina Simone, Muse and Michael Bublé and Eels (see longer list below).''

....Its a new dawn, Its a new day, Its a new life
For me And Im feeling good....Enjoy!!


Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin on by you know how I feel

Its a new dawn
Its a new day
Its a new life
For me
And Im feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel

Its a new dawn
Its a new day
Its a new life
For me
And Im feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, dont you know
Butterflies all havin fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
Thats what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel

Its a new dawn
Its a new day
Its a new life
For me
And Im feeling good
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-16 18:18:43 | 显示全部楼层
音樂有一個好處,無論你的年齡,技能水平發揮,甚至不管你講什麼語言,音樂擁有一種方言。通過樂器發言, 它可以讓大家可以倒進入他們的情感 - 這樣的方式令人感覺美妙神韻,清新脫俗的陶醉!! 崇拜波契里尼慷慨提供我們一段優美音樂, 他的著名的小步舞曲 (Minuet).  Enjoy!
Luigi Rodolfo Boccherini (February 19, 1743 - May 28, 1805) was an Italian classical era composer and cellist whose music is known for a courtly and galante style.

Boccherini is most widely known for one particular Minuet from his String Quintet in E, Op. 11, No. 5 (G 275).

The String Quintet in E major, Op. 11, No. 5 by Luigi Boccherini was written in 1771 and published in 1775. The quintet is famous for its minuet third movement, often referred to as "The Celebrated Minuet", which is most-often played as a standalone piece outside of the context of the full quintet.  It is one of the most recognized composition from the Baroque Period.


This string quintet is a "cello quintet" in that it is scored for a string quartet (two violins, viola, cello) with a second cello as the fifth instrument. At the time of this composition, Boccherini had been writing string quartets for about ten years. In 1771, Boccherini's patron Don Luis, the brother of King Charles III of Spain, began the employ of the Font String Quartet which was composed of violist Francisco Font and his three sons. The Font String Quartet performed many of Boccherini’s works, and Boccherini wrote almost exclusively for them for a period of time.[2] He also occasionally joined the quartet as a performer, which made him need to add an additional cello part to his music.[3]

Boccherini’s first set of string quintets were Opus 10, and were composed in 1771.[4] His second set, written in the same year, was Opus 11. Opus 11 consisted of six quintets, most notably No. 5 in E Major. This became Boccherini’s most famous work, even though when it was published, it did not receive any special recognition among those who heard it.[5]


The quintet has four movements:

    Allegro e con spirito
    Minuetto, Trio (A major)
    Rondeau, andante


The third movement of the quintet is notably the most famous, and is the most often performed of all the movements. It is in 3/4 time, and is occasionally referred to as the “Celebrated Minuet”. It departs from the original key of E Major and becomes A Major.

In the beginning of the movement, the first violin plays a simple, elegant melody, while the viola and celli have eighth note pizzicato. The second violin, on the other hand, has quick sixteenth note slurs which contain many string crossings. As Elisabeth Le Guin puts it in Boccherini’s Body: An Essay in Carnal Musicology, “The second violinist has no time for galanterie; he must concentrate on keeping the constant string crossings reasonable even through the length of the bow”.[1]
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-16 19:09:14 | 显示全部楼层
Piece: Canon
Composer: Johann Pachelbel (GER), Baroque Period
Conducted by: Karajan, 1969

This is one of the most popular compositions in the classical world which was composed during the baroque era in the 1680's by Johann Pachelbel.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-16 20:06:01 | 显示全部楼层
The real name of the most popular female of 2012 is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta but she is popular for her stage name which is Lady Gaga.  She is also a popular lady at social media.  The number of fans of lady Gaga at facebook are almost 47 million.  She got fame with her first album The Fame (2008) and her popularity continued in the next year where she used her lucky word in her next album which is the Fame Monster (2009) but her fame in this year is not result of these albums.  The supper hit album of this popular singer “Born This Way (2011) plays a significant role in her position in the world of music to achieve highest rank of popularity in 2012.
Gaga’s biography:
Lady GaGa,原名:Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (斯蒂芬妮•喬安妮•安吉莉娜•傑爾馬諾塔)。 1986年3月28日出生於紐約的Yonkers,雙親為意大利人。小時候就讀於名為the Sacred Heart的天主教學校,時尚名媛Paris Hilton(帕麗斯•希爾頓)和Caroline Kennedy都是她的校友。 2006年,Gaga在自紐約大學輟學之後,簽約Interscope Records成為作曲人。曾為布蘭妮、菲姬、小野貓、阿肯等知名歌手作曲。當Akon發現Gaga同時具有幕前演唱的實力後,他簽約Gaga到自己旗下,自此她開始籌備首張個人專輯。
成 名曲:Just Dance (feat. Colby O' Donis )(The Fame)Poker Face、 Paparazzi(專輯主打歌)、Beautiful Dirty Rich(各大酒吧夜店追捧傳唱率超高的超人氣作品)Love game、Bad Romance 、Telephone.

Lady Gaga的獨特造型一直是大家議論的焦點,在MV中她自然也毫無保留的拿出了自己的看家本領:從粗鐵鍊上衣到矽膠透明盔甲,從易拉罐髮捲到美國國旗裝,每一套造型都起到了讓觀眾著實驚訝。
2008年,Gaga發布了自己的首張個人專輯《The Fame》,她自己解釋此專輯為“有關讓所有人都能感覺到如何著名。”
最潮造型:以其“閃電眼妝”(Just Dance MV)最為出名,成為時下潮人模仿經典。
2010年新歌:Retro Physical、Your Negativity(被譽為“夜店之音”的狂暴勁歌)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-16 20:10:55 | 显示全部楼层
Born This Way

  最佳专辑Born This Way
  最佳音乐录影带《Born This Way》
  最佳单曲《Born This Way》
  最佳专辑The Fame Monster
  最佳专辑The Fame
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-16 20:37:15 | 显示全部楼层
Lady Gaga - Poker Face

Lady Gaga - Telephony

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