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楼主: Angelbella

分享古典音樂 & 器樂

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-23 22:29:57 | 显示全部楼层
在過去一年中無論是獲得或失去,或恩或怨, 或好或壞, 平安或疾病,快樂或悲傷,只要我們擁有生命,我們還有夢想,希望,期望, 家庭, 朋友,愛的生活。還是我喜歡的那句: 愿你們因還能負出而快樂. 讓自己活得灑脫些,只要過好每一天,生命就有意義。節日期間,讓我們放鬆心情,享受與家人和朋友的聚會。 選擇了都有幾首歌曲讓你們忙了, 在其中,希望您找到喜歡聽的歌。 Have a Happy Holiday!


 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-2 08:45:32 | 显示全部楼层
Rihanna - Diamonds

Emeli Sandé - Next to Me

Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble

Carly Rae Jepsen - This Kiss

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-2 08:52:44 | 显示全部楼层
Found this beautiful and classic guitar piece "Classical Gas" from
Mason Williams, the original stereo recording from 1968.  Enjoy!!

Mason Williams - Classical Gas
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-9 13:28:24 | 显示全部楼层
恭喜, 恭喜...

恭喜你健康 萬事順意,  
恭喜你發財 一本萬利.

恭喜, 恭喜...恭喜你, 如意吉祥, 笑口常開,大吉大利!

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-15 09:45:16 | 显示全部楼层
如果曾經有過適當時候說:“YOLO (You Only Live Once)”, 我認為,將是這經驗-滑雪選手執行後翻轉,然後勝於巨大的雪崩, 他顯然沒有看到雪崩的開始。
驚人的“Ski Run”, 從直升機上拍攝漂亮!

Lilliquist, a famous freeskier, was being filmed as part of the Swatch Skiers Cup 2013, a big-mountain and backcountry competition between the Americas and Europe, in Zermatt, Switzerland. The event was won Thursday by Europe.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-15 12:08:03 | 显示全部楼层
哲學分享- 沙德菩提問說:你說生命和存在沒有目標,它們就是它們本身的目的.

生命是簡單的,但是要成為簡單的,一個人必須成為無目的的。只要有任何目標,你就無法成為簡單的;只要有任何目標,你就無法在此時此地;只要有任何目標,那個欲望就會搖動你;只要有任何目標,那麼你就是還在途中,繼續往前走……你無法享受當下這個片刻,無法享受當下這個片刻的恩典,無法享受此時此地的祝福。一旦你瞭解到這一點,你就放鬆了, 放鬆在宇宙的同時間裏, 那就是我說要自然的意思。所有的目標都將會消失,隨著所有那些目標的消失,自我也消失了,然後留下來的就是成道。 More Reading: http://www.osho.tw/ebook/book42_06.htm

若不能成仙,讓我們還是回歸到現實是最好的.  情人節剛過, 常覺得世界上並沒完美的人或情人,但我們必須要懂得欣賞和感恩眼前人-不管是情人,親人,還是朋友。每天過日子的点点滴滴都是情人節, 平凡就是幸福! 並祝愿你們每天都擁有自己當下的喜悅!

发表于 2013-3-7 21:30:12 | 显示全部楼层
【民歌中国 720HD】藏乡妙音 / 降央卓玛专辑 1/2

【民歌中国 720HD】藏乡妙音 / 降央卓玛专辑 2/2
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-26 11:36:03 | 显示全部楼层
在空氣中瀰漫著春天的氣息, 春天又來了, 萬物復甦,生機盎然,給人溫暖,給人清新,給人希望.

很懷念春季遠足, 放步於春天的每一個角落,如痴似醉,心中充滿著甜美, 無比舒暢的心情. 春天的美好,主要表現在視覺美、聽覺美、感覺美三個方面.

整個世界終於從冬眠中都被春天喚醒, 小動物在雪地上爬行, 松樹新長出幼松針, 睛前一掃而過一片片酒紅色的樹木, 隨春天的陣陣暖意,飛快地發芽抽枝長葉了.... 草木綠意欲滴, 洋洋灑灑鋪滿了整個原野, 清早的草甸平靜得像一幅綠色綢緞, 嫩幼綠葉乘載霧珠, 呼吸春天的空氣. 花兒重新蓬勃,追逐著曬太陽. 看徑道上, 幾隻小蝸牛大搖大擺地走來,草叢中七星瓢蟲也來湊熱鬧,彷彿要與我們共同感受春天的嫵媚. 再看湖面上,風一吹,湖水被掀起一層層細浪,好美好美;風止了,更是碧清如鏡,幾米深的水都能看清河底的鵝卵石;魚兒就更加多姿多彩,爭相騰躍… 頓時發出了發自內心的讚歎:啊!一切重生,真美! …這是視覺美!

清晨再聽林間,鳥鳴清麗, 那悅耳動聽的鳥鳴聲,鶯歌燕舞,雀呼鷹叫,鳥兒動聽的歌聲總在無休止而又有節拍地奏著新春交響樂。山澗小溪裡那清脆的流水聲,像孩子一樣不停的奔跑歡笑著…奏出一曲美妙悅耳的歌曲,輕柔動聽...,在燦爛陽光的照耀下,與蔚藍的雲天相輝映,那是何等美麗的畫面…這是聽覺美…

陽光明媚燦爛,清新空氣,雲淡風輕,到處充滿暖意, 心中充滿著甜美, 無比舒暢的心情…這是感覺美。就是這三美,構成了春天的藝術樂章,撥響了人類的心弦。


春天的美好,主要表現在視覺美、聽覺美、感覺美三個方面. 你找到了嗎?

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-3 20:25:46 | 显示全部楼层
龚玥演绎"天路"很有特色, 非常好聽, 聲音甜美...

 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-24 18:37:04 | 显示全部楼层
The beautiful Ave Maria by Franz Schubert, sung by the great American Soprano, Barbara Bonney in Germany.

Many people are sort of assumed that the German version of Ave Maria is a translation of the Latin mass. Others may think it is an aria from an Opera by Franz Schubert. It's all Wrong, let's check it out ...

The Lady of the Lake VS the Ave Maria

The real song title itself is "Ellens dritter Gesang" (Ellens Gesang III, D. 839, Op. 52, No. 6, 1825), in English: "Ellen's Third Song", was composed by Franz Schubert  in 1825 as part of his Opus 52 from words of Sir Walter Scott’s (1771 – 1832) poem "The Lady of the Lake".  

“Ellen's Third Song” is part of Sir Walter Scott’s popular narrative epic poem The Lady of the Lake, first published in 1810.  It was Adam Storck (de) (1780 – 1822) translated the lyrics into Germany, and Franz Schubert composed the lyrics to music. Thus forms a set of Franz Schubert’s seven songs cycle of the words to The Lady of the Lake.  

It has become one of Schubert's most popular works, recorded by a wide variety and large number of singers, under the title of Ave Maria, in arrangements with various lyrics such as Latin, Germany, and English, etc, that commonly differ from the original context of the poem.   

Barbara Bonney is probably the best singer of it today.  Although Kathleen Battle, Jessye Norman, Renee Fleming, etc. are also excellent, but there were some excellent singers in the past who sang it beautifully - e.g. Elizabeth Schumann
Barbara Bonney is stunningly good, her voice is heavenly gorgeous. She has an effortless flow..... This is the most beautiful version .

The Lady of the Lake, the poem has three main plots: the contest among three men, Roderick Dhu, James Fitz-James, and Malcolm Graeme, to win the love of Ellen Douglas; the feud and reconciliation of King James V of Scotland and James Douglas; and a war between the lowland Scots (led by James V) and the highland clans (led by Roderick Dhu of Clan Alpine). The poem was tremendously influential in the nineteenth century, and inspired the Highland Revival. Ave Maria are the first words, but the rest of this song is a prayer of a character in the 16th century Scottland.
James Douglas once Earl of Bothwell is exiled as enemy and hides in a cave, hist daughter Ellen prays to the Virgin for safety (someone overhears her and falls in love...).

"Ave, Maria!
Maiden mild!
Oh listen to a maiden's prayer;
For thou canst hear tho' from the wild,
And Thou canst save amid despair,..."

Other rendition of Ave Maria:

Celine Dion - Ave Maria (English) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... =PLF4222E11D2CDBA9A

Barbara Bonney - Ave Maria (Germany) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQVz6vuNq7s

Jessye Norman - Ave Maria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do5ZmQQM8AE

Renée Fleming - Ave Maria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT_prP_MNaQ

Ave Maria - D.O'Riordan&Pavarotti (Latin lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSYYaT8tXrw

Elly Ameling - Ave Maria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9sxwiNgnvw
Luciano Pavarotti - Ave Maria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... =PLF4222E11D2CDBA9A

Elisabeth Schumann - Ave Maria
 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-26 10:43:29 | 显示全部楼层
古筝王子: 王中山演譯 - 高山流水

王中山 简介 http://baike.baidu.com/view/128950.htm

高山流水 - 基本简介 http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E9%AB ... rd=button_doc_jinru

王中山- 出水莲 @ time 5:23 min

王中山 - 採茶扑蝶

王中山 - 云裳诉

王中山老师古筝入门1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV2WbBXbNuw

王中山老师古筝入门2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUZv0vNZftA

王中山老师古筝入门3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or8K51abChI

王中山老师古筝入门4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRmc9Rm9WIU

王中山老师古筝入门5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7j4Md8TNsY


王中山老师古筝入门7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIvqALA8Ipo

王中山老师古筝入门8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da2W8qAj_qw
 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-26 11:14:37 | 显示全部楼层
饶宁新 演奏 - 出水莲

《出水莲》是传统的广东客家筝曲,中州古调,采用传统的十六弦钢丝筝演奏,音调古朴,风格淡雅,色彩清淡 表现了莲花“出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的高尚情操。全曲以各种丰富的表现手法将出水莲的神态、气质刻画得栩栩如生。古典吉它演奏家殷飚曾将此曲改编成吉它独奏曲。




饶宁新 biography: http://baike.baidu.com/view/260722.htm

 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-26 11:46:53 | 显示全部楼层
另有一番風味的樂曲, 聽說能演奏出風聲...有同感嗎?

《風獅爺傳奇》蘇文慶 曲

《風獅爺傳奇》Part 1

《風獅爺傳奇》Part 2
发表于 2013-7-26 14:22:18 | 显示全部楼层
[quote="Angelbella"]饶宁新 演奏 - 出水莲

《出水莲》是传统的广东客家筝曲,中州古调,采用传统的十六弦钢丝筝演奏,音调古朴,风格淡雅,色彩清淡 表现了莲花“出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的高尚情操。全曲以各种丰富的表现手法将出水莲的神态、气质刻画得栩栩如生。古典吉它演奏家殷飚曾将此曲改编成吉它独奏曲。




饶宁新 biography: http://baike.baidu.com/view/260722.htm


弹得一手好琴! 只是不知何故要穿西装?
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-13 22:59:23 | 显示全部楼层
饶宁新 演奏 - 出水莲

弹得一手好琴! 只是不知何故要穿西装?

I am glad you enjoy the music, and thanks for visiting.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-13 23:53:19 | 显示全部楼层
作曲: 黃家駒     填詞: 黃家駒

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-4 00:23:42 | 显示全部楼层

In "Feeling Good", Nina Simon in her SMOKY way would take you to experience what it is like when music has soul.

...Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel ...

It's a new dawn..It's a new day...It's a new life
For me...And I'm feeling good!!  

This song is so awesome! I hear Jazz, Blues, Rock and James Bond theme all at the same time! Come & enjoy listening to Feeling Good by Nina Simone (version 1965).

"Feeling Good" is a song written by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse for the 1964 musical "The Roar Of The Greasepaint—The Smell Of The Crowd" and has since been recorded by many artists, including Muse, Sammy Davis Jr., Bobby Darin, Traffic, Michael Bublé, The Pussycat Dolls, George Michael, John Barrowman, John Coltrane, Toše Proeski, Frank Sinatra Jr., and Adam Lambert. Perhaps the most famous version was recorded by Nina Simone, and first appeared on her 1965 album "I Put A Spell On You".


Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom on the tree you know how I feel


Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-15 22:32:28 | 显示全部楼层
Dancing on My Own by Calum Scott   https://youtu.be/WSinMOs5eGw
发表于 2015-6-14 09:14:50 | 显示全部楼层
感谢伞妹在这里给我们上的音乐课,really appreciate 大大地赞! :gd:  :favor:  :za:  :b.cool:
发表于 2016-6-14 20:01:05 | 显示全部楼层
追剧Outlander,我非常喜欢这首主题曲 :D

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