00 [quote]无非 国忧思良将啊,Eric回去团聚,估计也就是我和行者,读你千遍需要打头阵了,担心但不忧虑,总能走下来的,更何况有lulu压阵,没啥好说的,只是向前走就得。。。。。。。
使用道具 举报
读你千遍 哪位有这次行程的GPS数据?谢谢 我有DeLorme的卫星收发器,如果哪位需要地图的实况追踪,我可以发一个地图的链接给需要者,这样也方便家里人和你们联系。
2012-1-30 20:49 上传
24.4 KB, 下载次数: 84
download GPS data here.
行者无疆 如果不过湖,还需要带帐篷过夜吧?与其背帐篷不如咬咬牙穿湖住木屋舒服多了。建议11号能早点出发,确保有充裕时间过湖。
hello_kitty Is there anyone still interested in day hiking on Feb 11? We can go as far as we can, don't have to go to the Garibaldi lake. Jen and me are interested so far, let me know if someone else wants to join us.
00 [quote]hello_kitty Is there anyone still interested in day hiking on Feb 11? We can go as far as we can, don't have to go to the Garibaldi lake. Jen and me are interested so far, let me know if someone else wants to join us.
Eric 还有位置吗,报名一人,穿湖。
apple3800 无非又要郁闷了 :sm60:
hello_kitty sorry, I am not joining this time. I am fighting with cold, not feeling well. You guys have fun.
00 [quote]hello_kitty sorry, I am not joining this time. I am fighting with cold, not feeling well. You guys have fun.
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