楼主 |
发表于 2013-4-28 13:14:48
按捺不住, 還是想提早揭曉尋金松神祕旅程之迷。地點是美國華盛頓卅Pasaysten Wilderness的Cathedral Lake。開車到這地方路途遙遠, 有幾個方案可以進湖。最短一條由Andrews CreekTH開始, 單程21 miles, 拔高7900 ft。去年搜集資料時, 發現有一條由BC Cathedral Provincial Park穿越到美國Cathedral Lake的捷徑,但沒有現成路線, 要自已找路。大喜, 得到我家LD的支持, 決定一試。
Summit Post
Option B
If you wish to approach Cathedral's southwest side, drop southward from the Wall Creek Trail and cross the creek and continue a short distance but no more than a quarter mile up the winfall clogged Cathedral Fork. You DO NOT want to continue up the bottom of the valley. Move right (west) and make a diagonal ascent southward in easy forest to the north end of Border Ridge, whose highest point (7,404 ft) is in the United States. Gain the ridge crest or its immediate east side and follow it to the International Border (roughly 3.5 miles from the trail). Cross the weird swath cut through the forest. The ridge turns southwest, goes over the highest point, then turns south again. In about one mile south of the highest point the trail to Lower Cathedral Lake will be crossed at c. 7,080 ft. As I recall this trail was not all that obvious. Take the trail as it wanders eastward to the lower thence upper lakes. Total distance is approximately 10 miles with 4,400 ft of gain.
在NW Hikers Forum 和Club Tread也有討論這條途徑:
Cathedral Provincial Park to Cathedral Peak
Crossborder Shopping in Pasayten
地圖在手, 研究過Canada和US Topo maps, Alex 已在Map Source上畫了一條路線,當然我們沒有走過, 要穿過密林, 才可爬上山脊,如順利, 可縮減大半天行程。但最後我們要打消走捷徑念頭, 並不是怕在找路遇到的困難, 而是不想觸犯法律,以身事法。
Entering the US from Canada
現決定沿Boundary Trail #533走到 Pasayten Wilderness的Cathedral Lakes。 |