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楼主: lulululu

周末二天木屋火锅雪鞋 Brian Waddington Hut Area(Dec,7-8, 2013)

发表于 2013-12-5 21:32:53 | 显示全部楼层


Thank you for taking care of newbie... :D
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-5 21:38:02 | 显示全部楼层
Lulu, 看看这个Fuel 可不可以用

Yes, It's definitely White gas! just right for the heater!! Thanks!!


Current Issues


Many complaints have been lodged about the absence of a wood stove at the hut. MEC donated $3000 towards the cost of flying in the hut on the condition that there would be no wood stove. When we built the Hut, kerosene heaters were flown in along with 80 liters of kerosene. Here is our experience with burning kerosene:
The whole 80 liters of kerosene which we flew in when we built the Hut, were used up in the first winter.
Flying in more kerosene to the hut by helicopter is very expensive, around $3000, so this wasn't done.
Hut users started putting "mystery fuel" such as paint thinner or wood finish into the kerosene heaters.
They allowed the heaters to burn dry, destroyed their wicks.
The combustion products were not vented outside (the heaters have no chimney), so it smelled bad, and moisture from combustion encouraged mold to grow on the walls.

In February 2007 we carried out the kerosene heaters as by now they didn't work anyway, and brought in a Coleman catalytic heater, which burns white gas. Later we brought in a larger catalytic heater, but as of 2011 it may not be usable.
Don't bring kerosene to the Hut. There is nothing up there which burns kerosene

The double mantle Coleman lantern up there provides about 10000 Btu/hour, more than the catalytic heater, but as of 2011 it is unreliable.
The best way to have a cozy cabin is still to bring a lot of friends (25 should do) and everyone's body heat will warm up the hut quite effectively.
Unfortunately all the current heat producing devices vent their combustion products into the Hut, which tends to promote mold.

In 2011 we once again reviewed the lack of a vented heater, and discussed various alternatives.

A small, vented, oil-burning heater was investigated. Several advantages of an oil heater:
-- It was light weight so it could be carried in.
-- It was inexpensive (under $1k including chimney).

Disadvantages we could see:
-- Flying in barrels of heating oil would be very expensive, requiring that we raise the overnight fee, lock up the oil supply, something like the way the Whistler ACC operates the Marriott Hut.
-- Alternately, we didn't think that people would carry in several liters of heating oil, so the heater wouldn't do much.
-- Random people operating the heater could produce several types of disaster, including oil spills, or using random fuels. The heater manufacturer told us that burning naphtha or white gas in the heater would make it explode.

Propane heat, as at the Elfin Shelter was discussed. Disadvantages we could see included:
-- The need to fly in propane and fly out the empty cylinders.
-- We would need to have somebody competent to change cylinders.
-- We'd need to pay demurrage (the cost of renting the cylinders).
-- An intelligent regulator to keep the heat reasonable, and only when the Hut is occupied (and people are paying for heat), would likely be expensive.
-- Having the Hut fill with propane and explode, was another possibility we wanted to avoid.

Finally we discussed a wood heater
-- Fuel does not leak out or explode.
-- Rationing can be enforced by keeping the wood shed 100m away, and by supplying wood which needs to be cut up before it can be burned.

-- We'd have to make peace with MEC as we probably still have a restrictive covenant in place regarding burning wood up there.
-- To pay for flying in wood, assuming we collected wood from the logged-off road on the way in, would cost us around $3k per supply. We might make a supply last several years.
-- We would have to collect way more money for hut use and we felt that people would be reluctant to pay $10 per night for the privilege of being warm.

The possibility of collecting avalanche-killed wood near the Hut was mentioned, but there was no consensus as to whether this would cause unacceptable damage to the meadows.

We concluded that we would not further investigate providing heat, for now, unless we could show that the hut mold is a health hazard or is likely to destroy the hut soon.


The Brian Waddington Hut sleeps 24 people in relative comfort in the loft, and more in a pinch. There is an outhouse not far off behind the hut. Water can be collected from a nearby stream, even in winter. Unlike most huts in the coast mountains, this one is insulated and has a vapor barrier. This means that the upstairs windows may need to be opened to let moisture and stove fumes escape.

The following are provided for your enjoyment:
2 Coleman double burner stoves, model 421-D In good shape as of July 2011.
One Coleman lantern (double mantle) model 288. There are several spare mantles in the cupboard to the right of the book shelf. Second, dead, lantern was hauled out October 2011.
A Coleman catalytic heater, model 518E, 3000 BTU. Worked January 2011.
A second Coleman catalytic heater, 5000 BTU. As of January 2011 we were not able to get the 5000 Btu heater to light, so it is probably destroyed. (catalyst destroyed).

All of the above burn white gas (naphtha), and white gas only. Do not use kerosene, car gas, or any other fuel. One liter of white gas will keep the smaller catalytic heater burning for about 12 hours; the bigger heater, which needs alcohol for priming, will burn a liter of white gas in 8 hours. Make sure the Hut vents are open when the heater is in use. Note: On pain of death, only use white gas (naptha, Coleman Camp Fuel) in the stove, lanterns and heater. Kerosene won't burn in these appliances and it will clog the fuel lines. This shouldn't be an issue, since almost nobody uses kerosene in Canada. WE do not supply fuel; you will have to haul in your own fuel.
Solar powered air heater, designed to reduce humidity in the Hut. Runs when the sun shines. Please don't mess with it.
A percolator (for brewing coffee)
Several candles.
A heavy fry pan, but no pots. Plan on bringing your own. There are a few spoons, knives and forks.
Buckets for clean water and grey water. The larger blue bucket had mouse droppings in it Nov. 2005. It was scrubbed out with water and snow, but bringing a 250ml bottle of bleach in would be a good idea. The blue bucket had a dead mouse in it in May 2007.
Many decks of cards, at least one of which is complete.
Matterhorn puzzle, some pieces missing
there are mice, so hang up your food or use the cupboards.
Two fire extinguisher(s), replaced October 2011.
broom, shovel, various tools for repair
There is an old guitar at the hut that was originally donated by Dan Perrakis.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-6 10:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

Alex 和 小C 两人一車
Jinsi & Gloria 两人一車
棉花糖 carpool
Millie一人 carpool
poker007 carpool
九头鸟 carpool
雲游 carpool
Gentle carpool

给hiking boots上了一层防水涂剂,发现登山杖的雪地basket掉了一个,今天去MEC买,再买一对备用的,我们是BD登山杖,要配这个牌子的basket才能拧紧...

我们的包已基本上打好,不用带帐蓬所以也不算重,David大哥带他那罐White Gas(Heater用的),我只要给云游一瓶500ml火锅备用的white gas就可以了. 晚上再对着清单对一下。:wink:
发表于 2013-12-6 18:45:27 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [报到]

两棵小青葱! :)


大哥来不来?上次行(May 22-23,2010)多亏照顾,感谢!

妹子,哥还在思想激烈斗争中. :x[/quote]

好久不见了, 不出来遛遛?[/quote]

谢谢妹子挂念!我现在对自己没信心. :( 你们玩好! :sm5e:  :sm5e:  :sm5e:
发表于 2013-12-6 18:49:24 | 显示全部楼层
有需要接送地,我申请wolunteer!有睡袋,雪鞋,小冰爪,冰镐免费出借,送货上门! :)778-862-3874
发表于 2013-12-6 18:55:41 | 显示全部楼层
有需要接送地,我申请wolunteer!有睡袋,雪鞋,冰镐免费出借,送货上门! :)778-862-3874

咋了,砸锅卖铁不过了 :shock:
00是个好同学 :sm51: 既然都说送货上门,那我就不客气了。这样吧,周日把冰镐送到brunswick?一起走走 :wink:  :wink:
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-6 19:09:46 | 显示全部楼层
有需要接送地,我申请wolunteer!有睡袋,雪鞋,冰镐免费出借,送货上门! :)778-862-3874

咋了,砸锅卖铁不过了 :shock:
00是个好同学 :sm51: 既然都说送货上门,那我就不客气了。这样吧,周日把冰镐送到brunswick?一起走走 :wink:  :wink:[/quote]

:P  :P  :P
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-6 19:13:57 | 显示全部楼层
lulu 2人



发表于 2013-12-6 20:59:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-12-6 21:20:04 | 显示全部楼层
有需要接送地,我申请wolunteer!有睡袋,雪鞋,冰镐免费出借,送货上门! :)778-862-3874

咋了,砸锅卖铁不过了 :shock:
00是个好同学 :sm51: 既然都说送货上门,那我就不客气了。这样吧,周日把冰镐送到brunswick?一起走走 :wink:  :wink:[/quote]

发表于 2013-12-6 21:54:22 | 显示全部楼层


切,就许你跟大神单挑,俺们就不能盛情邀请一次?再说了,大神还没最后同意呢,俺还在努力做工作 :oops:  :oops:

你小子回国感受如何啊,有没有乐不思蜀啊 :wink:
发表于 2013-12-6 22:57:12 | 显示全部楼层


切,就许你跟大神单挑,俺们就不能盛情邀请一次?再说了,大神还没最后同意呢,俺还在努力做工作 :oops:  :oops:

你小子回国感受如何啊,有没有乐不思蜀啊 :wink:[/quote]

发表于 2013-12-6 23:20:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-12-9 11:05:37 | 显示全部楼层


hi   我们回来了。 睡了个最美的觉 , 行了次最美的程。   
   万分感谢LULU 和 VERA.  是你们筑成了我生命中的这个里程碑。  

   感谢所以的队友。 谢谢你们一路的关心和帮助。  结J伴行天下,真好。  

   MILLIE011@YAHOO.CA   是我的EMAIL。  011 的0 是zero不是O  

   请有我照片的队友把照片给我寄过来。  我喜欢照片。呵呵。   谢谢了。

   祝大家整周愉快, 周末有空再去爬山。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-9 12:32:14 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [分享]

hi   我们回来了。 睡了个最美的觉 , 行了次最美的程。   
   万分感谢LULU 和 VERA.  是你们筑成了我生命中的这个里程碑。  

   感谢所以的队友。 谢谢你们一路的关心和帮助。  结J伴行天下,真好。  

   MILLIE011@YAHOO.CA   是我的EMAIL。  011 的0 是zero不是O  

   请有我照片的队友把照片给我寄过来。  我喜欢照片。呵呵。   谢谢了。

   祝大家整周愉快, 周末有空再去爬山。

So happy that we had a safe trip! you are strong!

发表于 2013-12-9 14:22:49 | 显示全部楼层


hehe.  I forgot that first and last  thank our  mighty god.
发表于 2013-12-9 21:09:26 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [分享]

这次hinking创了三个纪录:气温最低:零下20几度,晚上木屋温度仅仅零下10度。最surprise:lulu竟然当天是生日。最多菜鸟:三个菜鸟第一次backpacking。感谢lulu的组织,Alex的驾车,各位的美味,尤其是David的洋姜,多年没有尝到味道了,还有Gentle的生日蛋糕,想第二天尝尝味道却找不到了。。。。 :D


发表于 2013-12-9 21:12:59 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [分享]

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发表于 2013-12-9 21:14:33 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [分享]

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