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楼主: lulululu


 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-19 09:46:50 | 显示全部楼层
sorry, couldn't make this trip. you all have fun. hope weather will be good

no problem, looking forward to hiking with you next time :lol:  :lol:
发表于 2014-3-19 13:18:12 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-20 21:23:32 | 显示全部楼层


From south to north, the camps are following:

2.5 miles---Jefferson Cove Camps 根据ranger这个营地不可靠,不会选它,从南边的Trailhead到这里一段要<2ft才能过

From: bryan_bell@nps.gov [mailto:bryan_bell@nps.gov] On Behalf Of OLYM WIC, NPS
Sent: March-07-14 10:58 AM
To: Gloria Zhang
Subject: Re: Camping spaces in Jefferson Cove Camp......


This varies from zero to several depending on the year and where the sand ends up after winter storms. We do not have a report this year as to how much if any camping space is there. I would not plan on it being an option as it wasn't last year. You also have to have a 2 ft. tide or lower to get around a headland about 2 miles north of the Oil City Trailhead. We do not have a 2 ft tide or lower ever day so be sure to check that out for the day you would be there.

We open at 8 7 days a week in April.

Wilderness Information Center (WIC)
Olympic National Park
(360) 565-3100

There are several tidal pinch points on this route. Diamond Rock, just north of Oil City, is rated at 3 ft, and is closely followed by a 2 ft impasse. There's only one small camp at Jefferson Cove, not really suitable for high tide camping. There are a few camp spots up on Hoh Head, but not much water, other than the mud.

6.3 miles---Mosquito Creek Camps,营地在溪的南边,过溪也要水少潮较低

There are no tide issues north of Scott Creek Camp. All the places where water might cover the beach have overland trails up and over. Just south of Scott Creek there is a spot you need a lower tide to pass. The main reason to decide to start at either end is the need for a 2 ft. tide 2 miles north of the Oil City Trailhead. So, you need to figure out the tides for the days you will be there to see if there is a low enough tide then decide which end to start at. It is not likely you will be able to start at the south end due to the time of the low tide. The south part is also very rugged. Not sure of the physical abilities of your group but it is quite strenuous. You also need to cross Mosquito Creek at or close to low tide.

The WIC will open at 8am.


11 miles---Toleak Point Camps

13.5 miles---Scott Creek Camps 营地在溪的北边,过溪也要水少潮较低,溪的南边也要较低潮时过(<4ft)

There's a great camp on the hill just south of Mosquito Creek. Mosquito should be an easy crossing in May. (knee-deep at the sandy lagoon outlet). Goodman Creek was easy last May, with slippery log bridges or a knee-deep sandy ford. Another trivial crossing at Scott Creek. Scotts Bluff has a 4 ft tide restriction.

16.2 miles---Third Beach Camps

17.5 miles---Third Beach Trailhead
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-20 21:58:46 | 显示全部楼层

Day 1 (18号): camp @ Scott Creek Camps (distance: 4miles/6.44km)

Day 2 (19号): camp @ Mosquito Creek Camps (distance: 7.2miles/11.59km)

Day 3 (20号): out(distance: 6.3miles/10.14km, need to start very very early)

the Lowest tides for 18/19/20 of April is -0.84@9:25am/-0.67@10:12am/-0.37@11.05am

第一天基本没有潮水问题(just Taylor point cave:4 1/2 ft) ,营地在Scott Creek的北边,也不要过溪。这天只要走较易的4 miles,看别人的游记,下午三点出发,日落前也能到

第二天一起步就要少于4ft的潮水--因为要过Scott Creek和一小段受潮水影响的海滩。其后都没有问题,但去营地要过Mosquito Creek要较低潮时过。营地在溪的南边,ranger说周围没有别的营地

第三天是最难的一天,潮水的问题在最后的2 mile-----一定要在潮水少于2ft才能安全过,这天(20 of April)最低潮是在11:05am, 这天要走6.3miles/10.14km, 要很早很早出发.......
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-20 22:07:41 | 显示全部楼层

The Lowest tides for 18/19/20 of April is -0.84ft@9:25am/-0.67ft@10:12am/-0.37ft@11.05am/-0.06 ft@12:12 PM

Day 1(18号): travel.....
Day 2(19号): camp @ Mosquito Creek Camps (distance:6.3miles/10.14km)
Day 3(20号): camp @ Scott Creek Camps (distance:7.2miles/11.59km)
Day 4(21号): out(distance:4miles/6.44km)

第1天(18号)不能走--因为到的时候潮水肯定大于二ft了. 南边的trailhead好象没有可以camping的地方?

第2天(19号)没有问题,只是出发不会太早(比如9am),因为最低潮是-0.67ft@10:12am, 这天的路最难最辛苦

第3天(20号)一起步就要过Mosquito Creek, 要低潮时过, 这天的营地在Scott Creek的北边,也要过溪---要少于4ft的潮水--因为要过Scott Creek和一小段受潮水影响的海滩, 这天走7.2miles/11.59km,相对前一天容易不少, 不过也可以少走些---在Toleak Point Camps就扎营这样就没有问题了 (4.7miles, then next day will be 6.5 miles)


https://dl.dropboxusercontent.co ... outh_Tide_Table.pdf
发表于 2014-3-21 21:19:05 | 显示全部楼层

[quote]Day 1 (18号): camp @ Scott Creek Camps (distance: 4miles/6.44km)

Day 2 (19号): camp @ Mosquito Creek Camps (distance: 7.2miles/11.59km)

Day 3 (20号): out(distance: 6.3miles/10.14km, need to start very very early)

the Lowest tides for 18/19/20 of April is -0.84@9:25am/-0.67@10:12am/-0.37@11.05am

第一天基本没有潮水问题(just Taylor point cave:4 1/2 ft) ,营地在Scott Creek的北边,也不要过溪。这天只要走较易的4 miles,看别人的游记,下午三点出发,日落前也能到

第二天一起步就要少于4ft的潮水--因为要过Scott Creek和一小段受潮水影响的海滩。其后都没有问题,但去营地要过Mosquito Creek要较低潮时过。营地在溪的南边,ranger说周围没有别的营地

第三天是最难的一天,潮水的问题在最后的2 mile-----一定要在潮水少于2ft才能安全过,这天(20 of April)最低潮是在11:05am, 这天要走6.3miles/10.14km, 要很早很早出发.......[/quote]
研究過潮水表, 從北走向南比較可行。Oil City trailhead不能紮營, 我們的車也會放在trail end, 不能走得太遠。還是跟你這計劃吧。


司機們請注意, 4月18號要4:00am出發, 到Coupeville搭7:15am的船到Port Townsend。

North Vancouver --> Coupeville Dock 197km, 2.5 hrs

如果不想早起, 也可以週四晚出發, 在Port Townsend或Port Angeles住汽車旅館。費用約每人$20.00

請司機們決定出發日期, 乘客們定會追隨左右。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 21:56:51 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢小C double check & 确定路线的方向,最后一天(April, 20: Mosquito Creek Camps to Oil City trailhead)我们要赶低潮会早上六点半开走(6:30am),五点钟一定起床,饮用水前天晚上备好。二十号那天天亮的时间是6:14 AM:
http://www.timeanddate.com/world ... l=-11&day=1
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 22:20:40 | 显示全部楼层

Day one:  no late than 1 pm(?) to pass "Taylor Point Cave" (4 1/2ft). If can not , then have to camp @ third beach, start earlier next day to hike longer distance. Will talk to the ranger asking for more information, e.g. is there an overland trail to bypass Taylor Point Cave ?

Day two: start 7:30am(?) Need 4ft tide to start,   need to check hourly tide table carefully. Have to hike fast so that we are able to cross  Mosquito Creek at or close to low tide to reach our camping sites that day (just south side of Mosquito Creek)
发表于 2014-3-23 14:48:56 | 显示全部楼层

估計行車時間和車程長度 -
North Vancouver --> Coupeville Dock 197km, 2.5 hrs
Port Townsend --> WIC 3002 Mt. Angeles Road 76km, 1 hr
WIC --> Hwy 101 & 110 junction 88.5km, 1 hr 3 mins

因要安排shuttle, 以下兩段要 x 2
Hwy 101 & 110 junction --> La Push Road Third Beach Trailhead 19km, 16 mins
Hwy 101 & 110 junction --> the end of Oil City Road 41km, 45 mins

1. Leave home at 4:00am (預30 mins 過關)

2. Arrive the Dock at 7:00am

3. Take 7:15am ferry

4. Arrive Port Townsend at 7:50am (crossing time 35 mins)

5. Arrive WIC at 9:00am

6. Purchase permit & rent food canisters, leave WIC at 9:30am to Third Beach Trailhead

7. Estimate arrival time 10:50am

8. Drop off passengers at Third Beach Trailhead.

9. All drivers leave Third Beach Trailhead at 11:00am to Oil City Trailhead. Estimate arrival time 12:00 noon

10. Drivers return to Third BeachTrailhead at 1:00pm

11.Take lunch break.   Estimate to hit the trail at 1:30pm.
发表于 2014-3-23 15:07:31 | 显示全部楼层

Day one:  no late than 1 pm(?) to pass "Taylor Point Cave" (4 1/2ft). If can not , then have to camp @ third beach, start earlier next day to hike longer distance. Will talk to the ranger asking for more information, e.g. is there an overland trail to bypass Taylor Point Cave ?

第一天距離6.4 km

Coastal Hikes

A quick hike from the Third Beach trailhead on La Push Road (Route 110) takes hikers through a lush forest and down to the sandy beach.  Turning left (south) the hike follows the beach to Taylor Point at 2.9km (1.8 mi).  The impassable point requires a 5 foot tide or lower to negotiate or is avoided by an overland trail which returns back to the beach at 4.8km (3 mi).  The next in a series of points & cliffs is Scotts Bluff which again is avoided by an inland trail.  There's good water from Scotts Creek.

发表于 2014-3-23 15:26:10 | 显示全部楼层
第二天距離12 km
Coastal Hikes
There is an unnamed headland at 7 km (4.5 mi) which is passable at a 4 foot tide or lower, soon followed by Strawberry Point at 8.25 km (5.1mi) and Toleak Point 10 km (6.2 mi).  There is a seasonally staffed ranger station south of Toleak Point at Jackson Creek which is a reliable water source.

Goodman Point at 11.5 km (7.1 mi) has to be passed by the overland trail which takes hikers by an impressive 15 m high waterfall.  The trail crosses the creek and then Goodman Creek at 13 km (8 mi).  Returning to the shore at a beautiful bay, there are views of Alexander Island and numerous other islets and sea stacks. At the south end of the beach is a popular camp and a crossing over Mosquito Creek at 17.5 km (10.9 mi).

第二天潮水最低是10:12am -0.67 ft, 4:47pm漲到7.23 ft

8:00am 1.556 ft
9:00am 0.013 ft
10:00am -0.680 ft
11:00am -0.416 ft
12:00pm 0.670 ft
1:00pm 2.332 ft

水位太高, 過溪不安全
2:00pm 4.199 ft
3:00pm 5.854 ft
4:00pm 6.927 ft
4:47pm 7.200 ft
发表于 2014-3-23 17:29:55 | 显示全部楼层

6:00am 7.091ft
7:00am 5.322ft
8:00am 3.307ft

要最遲在1:30pm前過Jefferson Cover至Diamond Rock一段
9:00am 1.452ft
10:00am 0.129ft
11:00am -0.397ft
12:00am -0.067ft
1:00pm 0.983ft

2:00pm 2.529ft
3:00pm 4.239ft
发表于 2014-3-24 20:04:14 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Lu lu,

Do you still have spot available for this trip?  I would like to join you if it's not too late.

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-24 20:59:18 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Lu lu,

Do you still have spot available for this trip?  I would like to join you if it's not too late.


I'll put you on the waiting list :lol:
发表于 2014-3-24 22:11:56 | 显示全部楼层
After reading both pdf files and here's what I think, of course, just reading books, maps and etc.

A lot info is taken from Wilderness Map from

Google map also show some interesting terrain data.

I would suggest South to North,

1) both books have trip planner from South to North route, probably because the rope climb at the Hoh Head. Looking at the picture, I would want to go up rather than go down. Because down climb is always twice as hard as going up, specially with heavy backpack.

2) I would want to stay somewhere in Washington State Thursday night to avoid issues such as border crossing and long hours of driving. I think little extra cost of hotel or motel worth the extra few hrs of sleep :)

3) Always camp where we can get water (creeks), it make camping a lot more easier.

- April 18, starts from Oil City Trailhead

The tide is lowest @09:38 AM (-0.89ft) make it ideal to cross two sections require low tide to pass around 2KM after Oil City Trailhead, assume trip starts @8:30 -9:00 AM, <1 hours walk through first 2.5KM.

After Hoh Head, we are likely have to use inland trail instead of beach trail.

Camping at Mosquito Creek does not requires crossing the creek.

- April 19, start from Cross Mosquito Creek

Cross the Mosquito Creek when tide is the lowest @10:24 AM (-0.74ft)

There are two options,

Option 1) if we can cross the point require low tide to pass before Scott Creek late in the afternoon (need to talk to Ranger to be sure), then we should try to stay at Scott Creek. This is longer day also maybe very tiring day.

Option 2) if we can't cross the point before Scott Creek (need to talk to Ranger to be sure), then we stay at Toleak Point beside NPS patrol station. This is also the backup plan if people cannot make option 1.

I would highly suggest for option 1, but need to check with ranger and people's fitness/ability.

- April 20, crossing one or two points require low tide to pass near Scott Creek when tide is lowest @11:15AM. One point if stayed at Scott Creek.

If didn't stay at Scott Creek, then the distance is longer (13KM) and need to start bit earlier. If stay at Scott Creek, then remaining day is only 8.5 KM.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-25 14:51:09 | 显示全部楼层
......b]April 18, starts from Oil City Trailhead

The tide is lowest @09:38 AM (-0.89ft) make it ideal to cross two sections require low tide to pass around 2KM after Oil City Trailhead, assume trip starts @8:30 -9:00 AM, <1 hours walk through first 2.5KM.

就是前一晚住美国,第一天(April 18 )要去Wilderness Information Center @ Port Angeles purchase permit & rent food canisters(open @ 8am),还要安排车的ferry(one way trip),不太可能赶到低潮走南边的两公里


估計行車時間和車程長度 -
North Vancouver --> Coupeville Dock 197km, 2.5 hrs
Port Townsend --> WIC 3002 Mt. Angeles Road 76km, 1 hr
WIC --> Hwy 101 & 110 junction 88.5km, 1 hr 3 mins

因要安排shuttle, 以下兩段要 x 2
Hwy 101 & 110 junction --> La Push Road Third Beach Trailhead 19km, 16 mins
Hwy 101 & 110 junction --> the end of Oil City Road 41km, 45 mins

发表于 2014-3-25 18:12:59 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Lu lu,

Do you still have spot available for this trip?  I would like to join you if it's not too late.


I'll put you on the waiting list :lol:[/quote]

我的位置先让出来吧。月初扭伤膝关节,本来很乐观地以为养两周就好,不过一直做理疗到现在才算行走如常。周日上山走了个短trail,  还好,只是这两天又在疼。所以现在还不能确定能不能及该不该走几天的backpacking。还在观察中,只是不想占着位置。谢谢。
发表于 2014-3-25 21:11:49 | 显示全部楼层
這個trip description取自Washington Trail Association, 由Third Beach走到Oil City。

Bring a tide table and a good book on this scenic traverse of the wild Olympic Coast. While much of your hike will be across sandy beaches, there are several places that will require you wait for the tide to go out. Along the way, plan to climb up steep headlands with cable ladders, ropes and your hands and knees. The absolute elevation gain is minimal, but all of those ups and downs add up to more than 3000 feet. It's a challenge, but a good one.

The best way to hike this stretch of coast is to leave one car at the Oil City trailhead and drive the other one to your start at Third Beach near La Push. Plan at least two - and even better - three days for your walk. Make sure you bring along an excellent map and heed all instructions about where to cross and when.

It's about a mile and a half through forest from the trailhead down to Third Beach. After crossing the beach, you will reach your first ladder to take you above Taylor Point. Watch your footing - it is slippery all along here when wet! And time your arrival back down at the beach for low tide. Scotts Bluff Camp is a great place to camp or push further to Strawberry Point.

Toleak Point beckons, along with some nice sea stacks. One of many photo opportunities along the way and also an excellent place to camp. Past Toleak there are some natural arches. At the second one, look for the ladder up the headland. At the top you will cross Goodman Creek, which runs high in spring. Back down on the beach is a lonely stretch of sand - you'll likely have it to yourself.

Finally, the last stretch requires waiting for low tide or heading up high to avoid the crashing waves - avoid round Hoh Head in any condition. As you approach the Hoh River, follow the Oil City Trail back to your car.

Driving Directions:
From Port Angeles follow US 101 west for 55 miles to the junction with State Route 110 (signed "Mora-La Push"). From Forks the junction is 2 miles north. Continue west on SR 110. In 7.7 miles, at Quillayute Prairie, SR 110 splits. Take the left fork (La Push Road) and proceed 3.8 miles to the trailhead, located on the south side of the road. Privy available.
发表于 2014-3-25 21:15:43 | 显示全部楼层


谢谢小C .  还有LULU。  还有其他做功课的同学。  你们辛苦了。
发表于 2014-3-25 21:23:35 | 显示全部楼层
在Goodman Creek過溪。
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