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楼主: 小C

《滿員》5.15 - 5.18 長週末南下做沙漠Hiking兼賞花 Yakima Skyline & Dog Mtn

 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-12 23:08:02 | 显示全部楼层
由Umtanum Campground 到 Beacon Rock Campground & Dog Mountain driving direction

Distance: 301km
Time required: 3 hrs 32 mins
发表于 2015-5-13 08:50:30 | 显示全部楼层
周日的dog Mtn起步应该不会早,好在trail全程11.4K, 看别人游记需时3-4小时,就算12:00起步也来得及,所以我们可以8点离开Umtanum营地,看来第二天不赶,是休闲游,劳逸结合。

发表于 2015-5-13 16:18:47 | 显示全部楼层
TR--"-Yakima-Umtanum Desert" on CT (April 25-26,2015):

In search of terrain unique from the West Coast, I spent this past weekend hiking in the desert conditions of the Umtanum-Yakima area (Hwy 821 south of Ellensburg; about 4.5-5 hrs from Vancouver depending upon traffic). Day 1 was a hike down Umtanum Creek Canyon - pretty easy, and a quick payoff with rocky cliffs around and Bighorn Sheep checking us out; a quick but steep climb to the top of the canyon on the north side from the parking lot and then a hike along the ridge allowed for more of a workout. On Day 2 we hiked up and along Yakima Skyline Ridge (4x4 or AWD with good clearance allows for less road hiking to the TH, otherwise add on 4km roundtrip from the gate. While in most years this would be the peak time for wildflowers, they were largely past their prime. Still, some were still out and there were great views up the valley and of Mt Adams to the south. Four campsites along Hwy 821 (Umtanum was not particularly appealing: small and next to the main parking lot for all of the day hikers) with Big Pines being the largest and nicest (and free this time of year!). Many more trails I want to explore here next year.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-18 14:00:44 | 显示全部楼层
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