2019.01.26 Winter ascent of Mt. Hood - cont'd
Only 40 meters below the summit, the snow is so hard that self-belay is entirely out of question and self-arrest is impossible. It is alpine ice. Only one option - don't stop, keep climbing. Switching to ice screws because snow-pickets are useless here. Below is the chute and above is the summit ridge, narrow and exposed. In such spot, the last thing you want to hear from your climbing partner is "something is wrong with my eyes". And that's exactly what Vera said to me. It was 2 hours before sunset. The mind quickly traces the return path - the chute, the traverse, the hogsback. We just witnessed someone with another party slipped and fell from the traverse. We carried a good steel spade shovel and an emergency tarp, so would we be in trouble could dig-in for the night, although that didn't look like a fantastic fun. We chose to reach the summit and figure out the plan.
PHOTO: The traverse is "only" 35°, measured with instrument. In our two consecutive climbs, two weeks apart, we witnessed two unprotected falls from here, climbers dropping all the way to the "base" next to fumarole. Video of one of the falls is available on YouTube. . 