
楼主 |
发表于 2017-6-3 03:57:51
Good job..
我也觉得美国火山没必要早起... Hood 我是5.30上的,不到中午就回到车里了。一样也带了两把稿子。Shasta 一样的道理。6:30 开上,pass everyone in front, 11:10 登顶...
On Mt. Baker (2014-07-04), WA in the early morning we were drinking tea watching 2-3 parties passing by our tent on the way to the summit. Then we had yet another tea so more parties passed by. Eventually we geared up and started on the glacier and were first on the top, bypassing everyone (and we are not super-fast athletes). The idea is actually counter-productive - the earlier one starts climbing the slower he moves (without sleep, in the dark, who will be fast?)
On the other hand, "Alpine Start" is actually very good for us - keeps the crowds away. Should promote it (and will climb in solitude). I find the degree of concept abuse same as of the "wild mushrooms" here in BC: 99.99% of the population believes (with passion) that you will die violent death if you eat them. That's why, unlike in China, wild edible mushrooms grow everywhere even next to popular hiking trails inside the city. Good for us too: a few trips strolling along family type (class 1) trail provide one year mushrooms supply. 8)
PHOTO: 山径旁边采的牛肝菌