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一次陰差陽錯的意外 – 百感交集的3月21-23日Garibaldi Neve之行

发表于 2008-3-25 13:28:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
這次事故令所有人也很難受, 包括各隊員, 拯救隊員, 甚至與小來素未謀面的朋友, 謝謝大家的關心. lulu已把事件的發生經過寫出來, 我想提出以下幾點:

1. 這次事故跟這次活動的難度是無關的, 可以發生在Garibaldi的day hiking或其他戶外活動中.

2. 現在大家很想知道事件的來龍去脈, 猜想為何小來會選擇過河等等, 這些問題的答案(包括警察及拯救隊) 我們是永遠也不會知道的. 各樣的揣測只會帶來悲痛而不會改變事實, 對逝去的小來亦不公平.

3. 這是一次意外, 是沒有對錯, 沒法防範的. 撫心自問各隊員已盡了最大的努力及立即向警方求救, 可惜人力不能勝天.

4. 各項的募捐和支持小來家人的活動令人感到温暖. 希望警方可盡快聯絡到小來的家人, 大家亦不要擔心言語不通的問題, 警方是有專業的翻譯員的. 在此之前, 我們很難作出任何決定, 因大家對他家裏的情況並不清楚, 最重要的是尊重他家人的意願.

5. 這次事故對各隊員的沖擊是很大的, 希望大家善用輔導員給我們的資料及聯絡電話.
发表于 2008-3-25 13:42:43 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 一次陰差陽錯的意外 – 百感交集的3月21-23日Garibaldi Neve之行


3. 這是一次意外, 是沒有對錯, 沒法防範的. 撫心自問各隊員已盡了最大的努力及立即向警方求救, 可惜人力不能勝天.


Yarite!  :roll: According to RCMP the rest of team had eye contact with him across the creek and yet still carried on without trying to get a hold of him to bring him out? Why no one was carrying a radio? Why the victim was minding his own business instead of staying with the group? Where was his knowledge of surviving in snow just for over night? Has anyone noticed that his psychological conditions might pose any threat to his own life and the rest of the group's? .....A lot of questions to be answered.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-25 14:24:01 | 显示全部楼层
Yarite!  :roll: According to RCMP the rest of team had eye contact with him across the creek and yet still carried on without trying to get a hold of him to bring him out? Why no one was carrying a radio? Why the victim was minding his own business instead of staying with the group? Where was his knowledge of surviving in snow just for over night? Has anyone noticed that his psychological conditions might pose any threat to his own life and the rest of the group's? .....A lot of questions to be answered.

Dear bushguy,

I'm sorry that I don't understand the intension of your messages at this difficult time. Some of your statements above are inaccurate. Before you asked your "questions to be answered", have you thought of why you are asking those questions and whether your questions would help the current situation?

I'm not trying to be argumentative here. Please be considerate.

发表于 2008-3-25 14:31:55 | 显示全部楼层
Yarite!  :roll: According to RCMP the rest of team had eye contact with him across the creek and yet still carried on without trying to get a hold of him to bring him out? Why no one was carrying a radio? Why the victim was minding his own business instead of staying with the group? Where was his knowledge of surviving in snow just for over night? Has anyone noticed that his psychological conditions might pose any threat to his own life and the rest of the group's? .....A lot of questions to be answered.

Dear bushguy,

I'm sorry that I don't understand the intension of your messages at this difficult time. Some of your statements above are inaccurate. Before you asked your "questions to be answered", have you thought of why you are asking those questions and whether your questions would help the current situation?

I'm not trying to be argumentative here. Please be considerate.


You dont have to answer my questions or argue with me. But you seem not to have any difficulty of getting rid of your responsibility and liabilities conveniently at this 'difficult time'. Of course everyone has to raise these questions. All my questions directed to you were based on RCMP's report. But some of the posts here did confirm RCMP's report.

I'm here trying to help people learn.
发表于 2008-3-25 15:23:35 | 显示全部楼层
It seems that guy's foolhardy act led to his death.  No one can control an adult's act like that no matter how well prepared. And Jinsi is too kind to point that out.
发表于 2008-3-25 15:31:52 | 显示全部楼层
There are some mistakes in RCMP's report since it's preliminary report.
For example, age, some timelines are not correct.

It's still under investigation of the this tragedy.
发表于 2008-3-25 18:43:21 | 显示全部楼层
  You dont have to answer my questions or argue with me. But you seem not to have any difficulty of getting rid of your responsibility and liabilities conveniently at this 'difficult time'. Of course everyone has to raise these questions. All my questions directed to you were based on RCMP's report. But some of the posts here did confirm RCMP's report.

I'm here trying to help people learn.

Dear bushguy,
Thanks for your kindly help. Every adult has their own mind and responsible for their own action, just like you can speak whatever you like, the victim also has the freedom to think and act.
Did you notice that there's another accident this weekend?
"Japanese snowboarder missing at B.C. ski resort" --
"She wasn't reported missing by her homestay family for THREE days"

On the other hand this group started searching right away after they didn't see the friend in the car, RCMP and rescue team was called right away after they realized they could not find him. I guess it's reasonable to give the team an hour to walk and search. Unless your practice is call RCMP right away whenever you could not find someone.

You might have more questions for the Japanese girl homestay family? Maybe even suggest people stay away from skiing?
发表于 2008-3-25 19:19:15 | 显示全部楼层
  You dont have to answer my questions or argue with me. But you seem not to have any difficulty of getting rid of your responsibility and liabilities conveniently at this 'difficult time'. Of course everyone has to raise these questions. All my questions directed to you were based on RCMP's report. But some of the posts here did confirm RCMP's report.

I'm here trying to help people learn.

Dear bushguy,
Thanks for your kindly help. Every adult has their own mind and responsible for their own action, just like you can speak whatever you like, the victim also has the freedom to think and act.
Did you notice that there's another accident this weekend?
"Japanese snowboarder missing at B.C. ski resort" --
"She wasn't reported missing by her homestay family for THREE days"

On the other hand this group started searching right away after they didn't see the friend in the car, RCMP and rescue team was called right away after they realized they could not find him. I guess it's reasonable to give the team an hour to walk and search. Unless your practice is call RCMP right away whenever you could not find someone.

You might have more questions for the Japanese girl homestay family? Maybe even suggest people stay away from skiing?[/quote]

Seems some people can't think straight. Why the homestay family had to be responsible for the Japanese girl?! Did they bring her out for skiing?

On the other hand, the organizer here had to be responsible for everyone in the team. When the guy wandered off, were the rest of the team sure how to get a hold of him? Now you were the organizer, you were supposed to get every rule straightened out. Do not dodge with your accountability.

I don't know what kinda search and rescue they did, but according to the report the spot where the victim showed up last time wasnt ways back from the trailhead or even the highway. Did you guys bring ropes long and strong enough to be used for crossing the creek? Were you willing to cross the creek to continue the search? Did you cross the creek? Why wasted two hours before any report made to RCMP?

I only take whatever the RCMP reported. Any personal account can NOT be trusted at this point.
发表于 2008-3-25 19:32:18 | 显示全部楼层

Seems some people can't think straight. Why the homestay family had to be responsible for the Japanese girl?! Did they bring her out for skiing?

On the other hand, the organizer here had to be responsible for everyone in the team. When the guy wandered off, were the rest of the team sure how to get a hold of him? Now you were the organizer, you were supposed to get every rule straightened out. Do not dodge with your accountability.

I don't know what kinda search and rescue they did, but according to the report the spot where the victim showed up last time wasnt ways back from the trailhead or even the highway. Did you guys bring ropes long and strong enough to be used for crossing the creek? Were you willing to cross the creek to continue the search? Did you cross the creek? Why wasted two hours before any report made to RCMP?

I only take whatever the RCMP reported. Any personal account can NOT be trusted at this point.

你了解当时的情形吗?他们当时在浪费时间吗? 没有展开搜寻吗?
你去过现场吗?在Backpacking Hiking 3天后,他们还有足够的体能涉水过河吗?要是他们当时象你所想象的那样企图过河搜寻,现在遇险的不是1人,而是4人了。


发表于 2008-3-25 21:16:17 | 显示全部楼层
First of all, I definitely believe what Lulu and other group members had to say, although I wasn't there when the tragedy happened.  Why? Because I hiked with them before and I know what kind of nice and responsible people they are, especially Lulu.  She's the best group leader I've ever had.
She's detail oriented, cautious, and takes care of everyone as much as possible.  Besides, most of the details in RCMP's report was probably from Lulu and other group members.  Personally, I think the information directly from Lulu would be more accurate than what's released from RCMP (except for the discoveries from the rescue team).

Secondly, I don't think it's fair to pinpoint blame on anyone, especially Lulu.  She was indeed the group leader.  But don't forget, she's just a voluntary team leader.  She wasn't paid, or designated by any profitable organization.  She is a normal hiker who was kind enough to welcome other people to go together with her.  Although she doesn't have any obligation to take care of other fellow hikers she actually always did extra work such as bringing extra tools for group usage or bringing extra food for the group.  I really respect her selflessness and generosity.
If you go back and read the initial post she put on for this excursion you would find out it did say something like: there are risks associated with outdoor activities.  You should take responsibility for yourself.

Bushguy, you might be more experienced with outdoor activities than any of us. Didn't you also start as a novice?  As far as I know Lulu and her group spent a lot of time preparing for this trip.  That's why they had 2 safe nights in a risky area.  Whether from RCMP's report or hikers' description, the tragedy was obviously not caused by inadequate preparation or caution.  Sadly Xiao Lai made wrong decisions on his own.
Lulu and other fellows did whatever they could.  We should all pay respect to their great efforts.
发表于 2008-3-25 21:25:45 | 显示全部楼层

Seems some people can't think straight. Why the homestay family had to be responsible for the Japanese girl?! Did they bring her out for skiing?

On the other hand, the organizer here had to be responsible for everyone in the team. When the guy wandered off, were the rest of the team sure how to get a hold of him? Now you were the organizer, you were supposed to get every rule straightened out. Do not dodge with your accountability.

I don't know what kinda search and rescue they did, but according to the report the spot where the victim showed up last time wasnt ways back from the trailhead or even the highway. Did you guys bring ropes long and strong enough to be used for crossing the creek? Were you willing to cross the creek to continue the search? Did you cross the creek? Why wasted two hours before any report made to RCMP?

I only take whatever the RCMP reported. Any personal account can NOT be trusted at this point.

你了解当时的情形吗?他们当时在浪费时间吗? 没有展开搜寻吗?
你去过现场吗?在Backpacking Hiking 3天后,他们还有足够的体能涉水过河吗?要是他们当时象你所想象的那样企图过河搜寻,现在遇险的不是1人,而是4人了。










发表于 2008-3-25 22:06:05 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-3-25 23:05:04 | 显示全部楼层




这两天每当想到小来的英年早逝,泪水就止不住地流: 未满38岁,还没成立自己的小家庭,人生的多少精彩还没演绎, 生命的音符就曳然而止。


也许,您已经发现基本上每个网友的发言观点都和您很不同:没有抱怨,没有指责,有的只是对归来队友的百般安慰,对逝者小来的无限怀念。这不是因为大家窜通一气,要包庇袒护朋友,帮他们逃避责任,而是因为这里发言的大部分人都和你很不同:他们是无数次HIKING的热心参与者,对HIKING的过程、TRAIL的状况、此次事件的经过(从几个月前的计划筹备到事后的拯救措施)都了解得一清二楚。事情发生的前前后后队友们的表现的确都让人无话可说,他们完全尽到了自己的责任和义务。如果您愿意花些时间把事件的经过了解得和大家一样清楚,甚至亲身走走他们走过的路,相信您提出的所有问题就不解而释, 不需要其他人再一遍一遍地和您ARGUE了。您也就不会有“I just don't get it!”这样的感叹了。


另外,我想有必要介绍一下这条TRAIL的情况。我不是一个regular hiker, 但是GARIBALDI TRAIL也走过三四趟。而且不仅是我,这个网站几乎每个人都走过这条TRAIL,这不仅因为TRAIL目的地GARIBALDI湖无与伦比的美丽,也因为这条TRAIL标识清楚简单易行。尤其 TRAIL一开始的一段路(是本次活动的最后一段),是很规则的之字形,完全不存在任何岔路。这样的一段TRAIL,就算是第一次去的人都不会走错,何况小来光今年冬天就去了两次,这次是第三次。 您如果亲自走一趟,就会理解JINSI为何有这样的感叹了
“....為何小來會選擇過河等等, 這些問題的答案(包括警察及拯救隊) 我們是永遠也不會知道的..... ”

虽然大家都很悲伤,但现在最悲痛的肯定不是你,也不是我,而是参加此次活动,陪小来走过生命最后一段历程的其他4个队员。他们刚刚经历为期整整三天的雪地BACKPACKING,没能如愿尽快踏上归途,反而又要经受整整24小时的寒冷、疲劳、饥渴交加和失去队友的极度煎熬。(第二天找到小来之后,他们没有一个人离开, 都自愿配合警方及医务人员在WHISTLER处理相关事宜,接受心理治疗,傍晚才回到家)他们现在经受的心理创伤您想过吗?我们现在都不敢给这几位HI友打电话,因为一打,电话另一端就是压抑不住的哽咽,让人闻之心碎。



发表于 2008-3-26 01:16:00 | 显示全部楼层

隊員們, 小來的家人, 用心用力跟進事件的人.
他們心靈的創傷, 是須要大家用積極的行動去支持才能治療的.

我衷心的希望大家積極的捐助, 小小無拘.
发表于 2008-3-26 09:27:15 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-26 18:33:36 | 显示全部楼层
一次陰差陽錯的意外 – 百感交集的3月21-23日Garibaldi  Neve之行

lulu已交代過旅程的細節, 不用再復述了. 這是我個人的一點感受.

3月21日: 準備了好幾個月的旅程終於開始了, 雖然這次走的是Garibaldi Neve的一部份, 我仍是感到十分興奮的. 一路無事到達Burton Hut小木屋.

3月22日: 在天氣的配合下到達冰川中Shark Fin的位置, 我們懷着意想不到的喜悅回到小木屋.

3月23日: 清早從濃霧中穿越Garibaldi Lake後, 天朗氣清, 我們愉快地下山. 我到達6 km的Junction時已感到旅程快完結了, 感覺很輕鬆, 餘下的只是有點沉悶但容易走的之字路. 在約4 km的位置遇上正在休息的小來. 他還快步地超越了我們, 想不到一別竟成永訣.

在回到停車地點後發現仍不見小來, 我們三人便立刻趕回Trailhead (離停車地點約3-4 km), 在河邊尋了一會也不見他的踪影及足跡. lulu便決定打電話求助. 當時的天氣開始轉壞, 手機的訊號斷斷續續, 幾次掛斷, 而警察需要問很多很多的問題......

Squamish Search and Rescue Team啟動了. 我們回到停車場時第一個搜救隊員抵達現場, 其他成員陸續而來. 警車, 有控制台的貨車, 搬運物品的貨車等擠滿了停車的地方. 看着搜救隊在忙碌, 我們只能在車廂內等待, 待警察問話時才能協助他們. 那是一個漫長無助的夜晚, 所有的猜想假定我們都想過了, 大家也很不安, 尤以lulu為甚, 她整晚坐立不安, 不斷地自責......

當搜救隊告訴我們他們發現了小來的背包在河的中央時, 我隱隱覺得我們最不想看到的結果可能會發生, 但始終還是抱着一線希望的. 由於夜裏太黑沒法繼續進行搜索, 搜索隊決定待天亮時用直升機搜索. 在他們的勸誡下我們去了Squamish的Tim Horton's小歇一會, 大部份隊友是一夜未眠. 在此要謝謝老虎及Bronton不辭勞苦地從Vancouver趕來為我們送上食物及熱飲, 他們也有協助在99公路的搜索.

3月24日: 清早我們便趕回Garibaldi Park, 搜救隊告訴我們已開始用直升機搜索, 幾小時後便在河中找到小來的遺體. 我們的希望破滅了, 永遠失去了一位好伙伴. 大家的心情變得十分沉重, 飲泣之聲不絶.….. 最後我們在Whistler接受過RCMP安排的輔導後便回返Vancouver.

思前想後, 困惑我們的是太多的「為甚麼? 如果, 或者, 要是......」, 這會把我們推進自責的深淵, 而事後的各種猜想是對逝去的小來並不公平的. 親身經歷了這次事故, 我得到的結論是這是一次陰差陽錯的意外, 是沒有對錯, 沒法防範的. 希望各隊友們能節哀順變. 在此謝謝從Vancouver遠道而來支持我們的朋友, 也要謝謝隊友們的互相關懷和lulu的領導, 使我們一起渡過這難關.

3月25日: 我和小來只是萍水相逢, 一起爬過幾次山, 但是有幾次是替他開車的, 所以跟他熟絡起來. 這兩天偶然在腦海中會浮現他的影子, 背着包, 一晃一晃的在走. 我告訴自己, 一切已成過去, 他亦安息了. 最後鼓起勇氣, 把相機中的相片尋出來, 發覺替小來拍了不少相片, 現與大家分享他的快樂時光, 也想為這次事件(對我而言)劃上句號......

 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-26 19:12:10 | 显示全部楼层

第二天在Garibaldi Lake往Glaciology Hut途中.

第二天在Garibaldi Lake往Glaciology Hut途中.

第二天清早. 從Burton Hut出發.

第二天清早. 從Burton Hut出發.

第一天剛到達Burton Hut.

第一天剛到達Burton Hut.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-26 19:19:26 | 显示全部楼层



在Shark Fin附近拍照.

在Shark Fin附近拍照.

第二天上山途中, 要輪流開路.

第二天上山途中, 要輪流開路.
发表于 2008-3-26 19:35:51 | 显示全部楼层
世事變幻無常, 眼淚在心裡流....
发表于 2008-3-26 21:52:24 | 显示全部楼层
问一下小来是中国人还是日本人, 不知道妥当不妥当, 不好意思.
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