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楼主: robin


发表于 2012-9-24 23:30:36 | 显示全部楼层
:lol:  :P

31/8/12 Upper Gnat Lake, Hwy 37 一景點

31/8/12 Upper Gnat Lake,  Hwy 37 一景點

01.09.12 Alaska Highway, Yukon 第一天進入Alaska Highway 看見雪山連綿,草木金黃初綻,已驚為天人,原來好戲還在後頭﹗

01.09.12 Alaska Highway, Yukon
第一天進入Alaska Highway 看見雪山連綿,草木金黃初綻,已驚為天人,原來好戲還在後頭﹗



01/09/12 走至Haines Junction, Yukon, 見一別緻小教當,眾人於是入內見識見識。

01/09/12 走至Haines Junction, Yukon, 見一別緻小教當,眾人於是入內見識見識。


发表于 2012-9-25 16:40:22 | 显示全部楼层


hi Robin, we met at Wonder Lake. here are some your pictures.[/img]
Picture 989-1.jpg
Picture 990-1.jpg
Picture 991-1.jpg
Picture 997-1.jpg
发表于 2012-9-25 17:58:08 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-25 20:13:42 | 显示全部楼层
真是很美, 景色壯觀, 不能跟你們同去, 只有在電腦前欣賞。
謝謝你在路上也記掛著我, 為我設計行程, 感動!
可惜人在江湖, 身不由己, 除非我轉工, 否則都沒有機會九月可以放長假期。sign!

小C,去北极有两个好时间,一个是9月初,另一个是5月底。5月底猎季还没有开始,蚊子还没出生,是看动物的黄金时间,你们可以考虑走一趟dempster highway,  一直走到北冰洋。2周时间够了。 如果我再去北极,就会5月底去看动物,在路上多camping,从容的观察动物。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-25 20:17:18 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [贴图]

hi Robin, we met at Wonder Lake. here are some your pictures.[/img]

Hello anza,

很高兴在Denali认识你,并同走trail, 希望将来再次同行。 更希望能看到你拍的作品。
发表于 2012-9-25 20:54:52 | 显示全部楼层
真是很美, 景色壯觀, 不能跟你們同去, 只有在電腦前欣賞。
謝謝你在路上也記掛著我, 為我設計行程, 感動!
可惜人在江湖, 身不由己, 除非我轉工, 否則都沒有機會九月可以放長假期。sign!

小C,去北极有两个好时间,一个是9月初,另一个是5月底。5月底猎季还没有开始,蚊子还没出生,是看动物的黄金时间,你们可以考虑走一趟dempster highway,  一直走到北冰洋。2周时间够了。 如果我再去北极,就会5月底去看动物,在路上多camping,从容的观察动物。[/quote]

如果自己开车的话, 7.8月的旺季有啥缺点? 我只到7,8月旺季的机票,旅馆价格都很高的
发表于 2012-9-25 20:55:29 | 显示全部楼层
:lol:  :P

Alaska Hwy 途經的一片優美的濕地,相信早一、兩個月前,這裡鳥況定非常熱鬧

Alaska Hwy 途經的一片優美的濕地,相信早一、兩個月前,這裡鳥況定非常熱鬧
发表于 2012-9-26 06:37:27 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [贴图]

hi Robin, we met at Wonder Lake. here are some your pictures.

谢谢John分享!我这里也有一张你在Mt. McKinley峰前的工作照,谨作留念。:D

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-26 07:19:44 | 显示全部楼层
真是很美, 景色壯觀, 不能跟你們同去, 只有在電腦前欣賞。
謝謝你在路上也記掛著我, 為我設計行程, 感動!
可惜人在江湖, 身不由己, 除非我轉工, 否則都沒有機會九月可以放長假期。sign!

小C,去北极有两个好时间,一个是9月初,另一个是5月底。5月底猎季还没有开始,蚊子还没出生,是看动物的黄金时间,你们可以考虑走一趟dempster highway,  一直走到北冰洋。2周时间够了。 如果我再去北极,就会5月底去看动物,在路上多camping,从容的观察动物。[/quote]

如果自己开车的话, 7.8月的旺季有啥缺点? 我只到7,8月旺季的机票,旅馆价格都很高的[/quote]



我只是听Dawson city infomation center 说的,5月底好,具体要打电话去确认,去的时机非常重要。
发表于 2012-9-26 16:09:30 | 显示全部楼层


everie/Robin, very nice to meet you guys in the park. You guys are good travel companion, hope we will re-group one day somewhere. I didn't realize you drove to Valdez twice but skip Seward. I feel Seward and cooper landings has more to offer if your interest is road trip.

Everie, thank you for the photo, I almost don't have myself in picture. Now I can show to my friend I was indeed in Alaska :)

Wonder Lake campground

Wonder Lake campground

bear and bus

bear and bus

drive on Denali

drive on Denali

ranger Andy Keller

ranger Andy Keller

Robin found suspicious bone inside some poo, so he declared a bear has passed by. Then we pass anoth

Robin found suspicious bone inside some poo, so he declared a bear has passed by. Then we pass anoth
发表于 2012-9-26 16:46:49 | 显示全部楼层
I am very fortunate to meet Robin/everie/Daisy/季候鳥 in Denali. If Robin's car has one more seat, I will certainly jump the ship.

I made the last minute decision and didn't find buddy for the trip. I arrived 9/10, and left 9/18. It was a driving tour, 2500km  in 9 days, 2 night tent camp in wonder lake, 2 night in hostel, 4 nights are car camping. I rent a subaru from Avis, the car handling is super.

I flew in Fairbanks --> Denali --> ANC--> Seward --> Cooper Landing --> Valdez --> Denali Hwy --> Denali lottery driving tour to Wonder lake --> Fairbanks --> Chena hot spring --> Flew out FAI

Road condition: 30 miles north of Seward there are construction, about 15-20 delay. Sterling highway has some construction, about 10-15 delay. Denali Hwy has a lot of pithole, I drive about 25-30 mile per hour and find out trouble.
Robin said Dalton Hwy is tough, particularly when there is truck driving in other direction. I heard Old Edgerton Hwy/Mccarthy road is very bad after paved road, but I didn't get chance to drive on it.

I opt out cruise/flight tour, I think it's right decision due to the heavy rain and wind in Seward/Valdez.

the trail I hike:
1)The Alpine Trail which runs steeply up Thorofare Ridge in strong wind, and trail is covered with snow. only me and the ranger.
2) upper Russian lake trail. I didn't record how many miles I hike, it should be 4 miles one way. The signpost doesn't show milepost. Far away, I can see a glacier, the shape is quite similar to Exit Glacier. didn't see a soul on the trail, but some mountain bike track high up in the mountain. a lot of bushwhack and I get wet 100% here.
3) McKinley bar trail, start at 9 and back 11:45am
4) walk to reflection pond from campground. I wish I catch the shuttle. With tripod, it's a long hike.

About wildlife:
1)in Denali, saw grizzly 3 times , 14 Dall sheep in the river valley, 4 wolfs, 1 bull moose, couple of ptarmigan, no caribou.
2)in Kincaid Park, 3 cow moose and the calf.
3)2 Caribou in Denali Hwy

For photography, the memorable spot:
1) reflection pond in Denali, sunrise/sunset in Wonder Lake campground
2) 5 mile south of Copper center on Richardson Hwy
3) somewhere close to Hope cut-off on Seward Hwy
4) Matanuska Glacier, not inside the private property, but on the recreation area (right by the hwy)
Turnagain arm, Denali Hwy, Park Hwy, Thomas Pass, Polychrome in Denali supposed to be very good, but it's raining hard or fall color pass the peak already.

Temperature wise, lowest temperature is in Wonder lake (15F), Fairbanks is pretty mild(30-60F), Seward and Valdez is raining, luckily 3 days in Denali is sunny. it snows from 9/7-9/9 in Denali, and park road after salvage river close temporally. Other than that, it's pretty warm in day time, particularly in Fairbanks, it's about 55 degree during daytime.

No mosquito in Denali NP, but a lot of them in the south viewpoint on Park Hwy, and in Seward/exit Glacier. No mosquito in Valdez (maybe due to heavy rain).

the only possible chance to see northern light is 9/10 night (15F) at wonder lake, but too tired and cold to get up. Some guy in the park said they saw it.
I followed this site for the forecast: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/AuroraForecast. it's level 1 when I was at Fairbanks.

I end up wear my hiking boot, instead of trail running shoe. Some snow covered on trail in Denali. And in cooper landing's Russin River trail, I get wet 100%, so the Vasque Breeze Gore-Tex Hiking Boots make my foot comfortable.

Regarding food, I brought my Primus TiLite Stove, I am so glad I bring this. It's cold at Wonder Lake.

about the timing, 9/9-18 is good time because less visitor, The two hostel I stayed, I didn't make reservation online, just walk in. Gift shop cut price to 50%.
The down side is the fall color pass the peak. Next time I will do it around Labor day weekend. Robin said the most impressive place is on Dalton Hwy (during labor day weekend) -- it might due to fall color is long gone in Denali at 9/10).

for the fall color, Fairbanks (9/17-18) and 20 mile south on Park Hwy is in peak; 9/14-16 Thomas pass on Richarson Hwy, Matanuska Glacier on Glennallen Hwy, Hope cut-off on Seward Hwy is slightly pass the peak; Chena hot spring road(9/17), Denali Hwy(9/16), Denali National Park (9/9) pass the peak.

Most memorable moment: sunset by Reflection pond on 9/17, The park close for the season on that day. I can claim I am the last visitor in the park. I left wonder lake around 8:45, and back to park entrance around 11. A true solitude experience.

for the expense: flight ticket, I use AA mileage, 25k miles for round trip; for car, I rent mini-suv for $220/9 days from avis; for gas, It cost roughly $250 for 2500km driving. average $4/gallon, but $4.7/gallon at entrance of Denali park.  2 night hostel are $25/night. camper's bus and two night at wonder lake is about $80. a seafood dish is ranging $20-35. If I put flight ticket aside, the total cost is about $800.

driving map

driving map
发表于 2012-9-26 16:55:14 | 显示全部楼层


Denali sunset
发表于 2012-9-26 17:04:28 | 显示全部楼层
:D  :D

Thank you for sharing , anza

What a bliss to meet you in Wonder Lake

I attempt the driving lottery too but failed :evil:  :cry:  :cry:
发表于 2012-9-26 20:08:11 | 显示全部楼层
:lol: Hi Anza (John 2), nice to meet you too. Thanks for sharing the details of the trip.
The photo of Wonder Lake sunset is marvelous. How lucky you were to get the road lottery.

10.9.12 Wonder Lake sunset

10.9.12 Wonder Lake sunset
发表于 2012-9-26 22:15:21 | 显示全部楼层
:lol:  :lol:

終於完成印記, P.7



:cheers:  :smcf:
发表于 2012-9-27 07:57:45 | 显示全部楼层
感謝Daisy 完成簡明握要的遊記,短小精幹,可是絲絲入扣,足彌補我這冒失鬼的缺點,磚頭可繼續慢慢砌了。有一點想補充的是Eagle Plain 的房價應為CAD161.68 (已連稅)。Daisy, 讀你的遊記是件享受的事﹗

01/09/12 走在Alaska Hwy 見連綿雪山初露已驚為天人,原來好戲還在後頭。

01/09/12 走在Alaska Hwy 見連綿雪山初露已驚為天人,原來好戲還在後頭。
发表于 2012-9-27 21:46:56 | 显示全部楼层
:lol:  :P

01/09/12 四人一灰馬,從白馬走到死馬

01/09/12 四人一灰馬,從白馬走到死馬

01/09/12 進入美國國境,一線之隔,不知心理作用是否,只覺秋色馬上濃起來﹗

01/09/12 進入美國國境,一線之隔,不知心理作用是否,只覺秋色馬上濃起來﹗

02/09/12 Glenn Hwy (Tok Cut-off) 秋景...秋色愈見深濃...

02/09/12 Glenn Hwy (Tok Cut-off) 秋景...秋色愈見深濃...

02/09/12 Glenn Hwy (Tok Cut-off) 秋景

02/09/12 Glenn Hwy (Tok Cut-off) 秋景
发表于 2012-9-27 22:19:46 | 显示全部楼层
好景色, 也有好資訊的遊記.
发表于 2012-9-27 22:26:07 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2012-9-27 23:07:04 | 显示全部楼层
真是很美, 景色壯觀, 不能跟你們同去, 只有在電腦前欣賞。
謝謝你在路上也記掛著我, 為我設計行程, 感動!
可惜人在江湖, 身不由己, 除非我轉工, 否則都沒有機會九月可以放長假期。sign!

小C,去北极有两个好时间,一个是9月初,另一个是5月底。5月底猎季还没有开始,蚊子还没出生,是看动物的黄金时间,你们可以考虑走一趟dempster highway,  一直走到北冰洋。2周时间够了。 如果我再去北极,就会5月底去看动物,在路上多camping,从容的观察动物。[/quote]
八月底至九月下旬到不能離開工作崗位, 除非中了彩票。如果你五月底去, 我會認真考慮跟隊。記得提早通知一聲。
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