发表于 2012-1-18 08:36:21
I just finished reading the book "The Seven Daughters of Eve",very interesting, I really enjoyed reading it.
牛津大学一位人类遗传学教授伯莱恩·塞克斯提出---“欧洲的女性都源自于远古时期的7个妇女”. 这个结论来自于他对线粒体DNA的研究,通过6000份随机样本, 她们的基因能分成7个大类,这7类基因往远古追溯能各自找到一个共同的起源....
最近还看了一个PBS的记录片Journey of Man,也很有意思
The Journey of Man is a documentary that talks about our evolution, our recent history, and how we came to be to the way we are today. It looks at the Y chromosome, that's passed down from male to male, and tracks the marker mutations to map our ancestors' journey. It's how we conquered the Earth in just the last 59,000 years.