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The High Sierra: 2015 - 2018

发表于 2016-6-30 06:58:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 PanShiBo 于 2018-9-3 18:18 编辑

The Peaks and Trails of High Sierra

2015.03.15 Mount Whitney (#1)
2015.07.28 Virginia Lakes / Summit Lake Trail
2015.07.29 Mount Dana
2015.09.11 East Lake, Northern Yosemite
2015.09.12 Cirque Peak
2016.07.07 Sentinel Dome
2016.07.07 Glacier Point
2016.07.08 Mt. Hoffmann
2016.07.07 Lembert Dome (#1)
2016.07.09 Clouds Rest
2016.07.10 Lembert Dome (#2) - South Face
2016.07.10 Tenaya Peak
2016.07.11 Eagle Peak
2016.07.12 Polly Dome
2016.07.13 Mammoth Mountain
2016.07.13 Tioga Peak
2016.07.14 Mount Conness
2016.07.15 Half Dome (#1)
2016.07.19 Liberty Cap
2016.07.19 Mount Broderick
2016.07.21        Puppy Dome
2016.07.22        Echo Ridge
2016.07.22        Echo Peak #8
2016.07.22        Echo Peak #7
2016.07.22        Echo Peak #5
2016.07.23        Mount Gibbs
2016.07.24        Tuolumne Peak
2016.07.27        Alta Peak
2016.07.27        Panther Peak
2016.07.28        Moro Rock
2016.07.29 Mount Silliman
2016.07.30 Big Baldy
2016.07.30 Little Baldy
2016.08.02 Mount Russell
2016.08.02 Mount Russell-East Peak
2016.08.02 Mount Carillon
2016.08.04 Mount Whitney (#2)
2016.08.04 Keeler Needle
2016.08.04 Crooks Peak
2016.08.04 Mount Muir
2016.08.06 Mount Langley
2016.08.07 Independence Peak
2016.08.09 University Peak
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacle #12
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacle #11
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacle #10
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacle #9
2016.08.12        Medlicott Dome
2016.08.13        Cathedral Peak
2016.08.13        Gaylor Peak
2016.08.14        Columbia Finger
2016.08.14        Echo Peak #3
2016.08.16 Half Dome (#2)
2018.08.24 Mt. Tallac (2,967m)
2018.08.25 Red Lake Peak (3,067m)
2018.08.25 Stevens Peak (3,066m)
2018.08.26 Round Top (3,164m)
2018.08.26 The Sisters (3,095m)
2018-08-29 Mount Whitney #3 (4,419m)

发表于 2018-9-1 08:10:16 | 显示全部楼层
2018.08.29 Mt. Whitney (contd.)
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-30 07:41:13 | 显示全部楼层
The High Sierra is the region between the southern boundary of Sequoia National Park and the northern boundary of Yosemite National Park.

"..the best place in the world for the practice of mountains..from family hiking to technical alpine....there are no human eating animals, the sunny California's climate is great, the mountains have solid rock (and low rock-fall), glaciers behave and avalanches are rare..."

~ R.J. Secor

 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-30 07:45:49 | 显示全部楼层
2015 03.13-03.16 Mount Whitney

Mount Whitney is the highest summit in the contiguous United States and the Sierra Nevada, with an elevation of 14,505 feet (4421.0 m).


More photos here: https://www.crossna.org/forum.php?mod=redirect&ptid=24866
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-30 08:31:10 | 显示全部楼层
2015-07-28 Virginia Lakes / Summit Lake Trail

Virginia Lakes refers to a basin of lakes in the Eastern Sierra Nevada in Mono County, California.


A trail beginning at Virginia Lakes serves as a gateway to the Sierra backcountry and Yosemite National Park.

Hiking Trails.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-30 10:30:56 | 显示全部楼层
2015-07-29 Mount Dana

At an elevation of 13,061 feet (3,981 m), it is the second highest mountain in Yosemite (after Mount Lyell), and the northernmost summit in the Sierra Nevada which is over 13000 feet in elevation. Mount Dana is the highest peak in Yosemite that is a simple hike to the summit. The mountain is named in honor of James Dwight Dana, who was a professor of natural history and geology at Yale.


 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-30 15:52:10 | 显示全部楼层
2015-09-11 East Lake, Northern Yosemite

 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-30 20:05:53 | 显示全部楼层
2015-09-12 Cirque Peak

Cirque Peak is a gentle mountain on the southern portion of the Sierra Crest. The summit is a hike from trails to the west or east.


 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-7 12:08:17 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.07 Yosemite National Park

Upper Yosemite Fall: The 1,430-foot (440 m) plunge alone is among the twenty highest waterfalls in the world.


发表于 2016-7-7 12:11:15 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.07 El Capitan, Yosemite NP

El Capitan (Spanish for The Captain, The Chief) is a vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park, located on the north side of Yosemite Valley, near its western end. The granite monolith extends about 3,000 feet (900 m) from base to summit along its tallest face and is one of the world's favorite challenges for rock climbers and BASE jumpers


发表于 2016-7-7 20:34:49 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.07 Half Dome, Yosemite NP

As late as the 1870s, Half Dome was described as "perfectly inaccessible" by Josiah Whitney of the California Geological Survey. The summit was finally conquered by George G. Anderson in October 1875, via a route constructed by drilling and placing iron eyebolts into the smooth granite.


 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-7 21:01:30 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.07 Sentinel Dome, Yosemite NP

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-11 09:19:07 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.07 Views from Sentinel Dome trail, Yosemite NP

发表于 2016-7-11 10:03:48 | 显示全部楼层

[分享] 2016 优胜美地之行 (1)

2016.07.07 Yosemite Valley

今天早晨来到了Yosemite国家公园,天气是出奇地好,烈日下31℃,但到了傍晚就很凉爽了,下午去Sentinel Dome,在顶上我竟然还需要穿上羽绒衣才正合适。


我们试着在网上申请去Half Dome,参加lottery是唯一的途径,而且从半夜到下午一点截止,只能申请两天后的那一天的,比如说今天7号只能申请9号的,而9号是星期六。(不出意料,unsuccessful!--- 晚上查到了)怪我没听博士的话,他告诉我周六的几率太低,我还是执意孤行,浪费了$4.5的Lottery Access Fee。

在等待结果的时段里,那就去一个trail走走吧!我们选择了Sentinel Dome,TH在Glacier Point附近。Yosemite真是大,直线距离只有一公里多,绕来绕去,从Visitor Centre开车到Glacier Point愣是用了一个多小时。一路上车来车往,川流不息,一看就是旺季。(每个景点都很难找到车位,要一圈圈转着找太正常了。)

去Sentinel Dome(dome:圆顶,a rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure, typically with a circular base, 后来发现在这里有数不清的Dome)是个很简单舒适的trail,穿插在这特有的宽敞的松林里,顺着指示牌,很快就到了。在到顶前的花岗岩石坡上走路,是令人愉悦的,因为这里只要是干爽的石头,它一点也不滑,我们的鞋子踩上去,让你非常有自信,它们凹凸不平的表面给你轻松自如的感觉,后面几天的经历更证明了这一点。


 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-11 12:30:32 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.08 Mt. Hoffmann, Yosemite NP.

May Lake.

View of the Half Dome from the trail to Mt. Hoffmann. One can see hikers on the cable route (accessed  only by national park' lottery).
发表于 2016-7-11 12:34:13 | 显示全部楼层

[分享] 2016 优胜美地之行 (2)

2016.07.08 Mt. Hoffmann, Yosemite NP.

Mt Hoffmann的TH和May Lake是同一个,单程4公里,这样的地方是我特别喜欢的,不长,风景又好,多惬意啊!难度Class 2,不需要专门的gear,这样背包就不会重,途经May Lake,也不用担心水的问题,还有比这更好的吗?我们早晨到了那里,没想到停车场差不多满了,还看到一辆BC的车,再一聊,竟也是从温哥华来的,这是他们在Yosemite的最后一天,正要离开。问他去Hoffmann了吗,他说没有,说Hoffmann太serious了,不能去。一听这话,我心里就有点嘀咕,会有这么难吗,难道我低估了它?

走在路上,看到远方左侧的Hoffmann,经过一位一步一步、稳打稳扎的老者,他问我们是否去Hoffmann,我们说是啊。那你们肯定知道怎么去的路吗?知道啊(没有GPS,博士是不会去的)。哦,那我跟着你们吧。(跟不了啊,因为我们很快就远离了他)我们还是按照本来的节奏,2公里就到了湖边,一看到May Lake,我就喜欢上了它,秀丽优雅,真的就像微缩版的Crater Lake,也像Skokie那里的Ptarmigan Lake,沿湖边的左侧有一条小小但明显的山径,就是通往Hoffmann的,一看到有trail,我就开心起来,太好了,不用找路!(因为有时候有GPS,不等于就有maintained trail,后来去Tenaya Peak 就是证明)

路的问题解决了,剩下的就是一路的景色尽管放松了心情去欣赏。一段上升后,就过了树线,大片大片的石坡,35℃,走起来(或者手脚并用)没问题,因为你只要落脚在干净的石面上就一点也不滑。绕过了False summit,就看到了竖着天线的山顶,最后一段要爬过大堆的石头,就看到一人离顶只有几米放弃了,说是有块石头她上不去。我们很顺利地到了山顶,看到远处的Tenaya Lake、Tenaya Peak,Half Dome不必说,还有很多有趣的Peak,博士是娓娓道来,像Cathedral Peak, Echo Peaks(10个!),etc,令人心生向往。


 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-11 13:58:13 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.08 Mt. Hoffmann, Yosemite NP.

May Lake / Hoffmann at the back.

The taste of famous Yosemite granite ( excellent ) 8)

Photo with Half Dome at the back.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-12 07:08:20 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.08 Mt. Hoffmann, Yosemite NP.  contd.

May Lake from trail to Mt. Hoffmann

Mt. Clouds Rest and Half Dome at the back.

The summit.

Mt. Hoffmann is 3,307m high.
发表于 2016-7-12 07:44:09 | 显示全部楼层

[分享] 2016 优胜美地之行 (3)

2016.07.08 Mt. Hoffmann, Yosemite NP. contd.


真正的Summit确实沉得住气(on the left)



下到May Lake,可惜这次不能游泳(牌子:Domestic Water Supply)


无论走到哪里,Half Dome总是抢镜!(真没办法,名气不是吹的)
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-12 20:36:22 | 显示全部楼层
2016.07.08 Lembert Dome, Yosemite N.P.  (#1)

发表于 2016-7-13 11:27:01 | 显示全部楼层

[分享] 2016 优胜美地之行 (4)

2016.07.08 Lembert Dome, Yosemite N.P. (#1)  - contd.

从Hoffmann回到停车场,还不到下午四点,除了收拾背包,还有大把的时间,于是我们在傍晚的时候,6点后了,去了博士很感兴趣的Lembert Dome。

它就在Tioga Road的边上,每次经过的时候总会看着它,自然就想上去看一看了(不然有点对不住啊)。通常的徒步路线和Dog Lake/Young Lakes是同一个TH,单程在3公里左右,有独立的停车场(有些TH只能沿着马路停),左侧进入trail,从它的后面绕上去直到大的slope,然后走向最高处就行。出发的时候已经这么迟了,明摆着就是看日落去的。跟着博士,感觉越走离山越远,这要绕到什么时候才能真的开始爬山了呢?真的只有3公里?怎么看怎么不像。我也没有穿Hiking boots,也怕下山的碎石路,就担心使用头灯时不太安全。好在还有1mile时,有清晰的路牌,这才放下心来,看来人在山的面前,确实很难有好的判断力。(后来Eagle Peak的最后0.3mile,不就是近500米吗?也远比我想象的要长得多)

当大石坡出现在眼前时,人就开始兴奋了,因为最高处已是目力所及,这里的石坡又是那么友好,走在上面舒服极了,那踏上山顶还不是垂手可得的事?没有一点担心,选好每一步的落脚点,就这样毫无悬念地见到了夕阳下的Yosemite Valley!


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