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楼主: PanShiBo

The High Sierra: 2015 - 2018

发表于 2016-9-14 17:59:09 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.04 Mt. Whitney (4,421 m) / Mt. Muir (4,273 m)- Eastern Sierra - contd.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-15 02:12:41 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.04 Mt. Whitney (4,421 m) / Mt. Muir (4,273 m)- Eastern Sierra - contd.

Some folks like to complain on the internet about switchbacks at Mt. Whitney Trail, "too many!" Apparently they do not imagine how it would feel hiking up without them. 8)

PHOTO: From switchbacks on Whitney trail overlooking Mount Muir.

We never point to peaks like that unless we have climbed them! 8)
发表于 2016-9-16 19:32:08 | 显示全部楼层

[分享] Russell (2)

2016.08.02 Mount Russell (4,296 m), Whitney Group, Eastern Sierra (contd.)

Upper Boy Scout Lake旁已经有了两三个帐篷,我们走到湖边,左顾右看地,不一会儿就找到了很平整的营地,一看就是前人栽树后人乘凉的地方,长宽等都特别合适。此时接近日落时分,时间正好够做入睡前和第二天起床前所需东西的准备。我会把需要用到的放在帐篷里,保证不出帐就可以坐在睡袋里喝到咖啡、吃到早饭。只要是露营,反正我只要进了睡袋,不吃完早饭我是不会起来的。

也许是很久不露营了,有些生疏,Russell这次我没有考虑周全,想的尽是如何减轻背包的重量,只带了一个2L的水袋,结果第二天早晨不够倒腾,很不方便。夜里喝了不少电解质的水,早晨大半升的水用于Mountain House,最后的一点用于咖啡就不够了,结果咖啡浓得要命,我简直没法喝,所以登山的这天早晨我基本没喝水,弄得肚子阴阳怪气的,后来在沙滩似的陡坡上爬升时,腿乏无力,怎么也使不上劲,后患无穷。(接下来的露营听了博士的建议,这样的情况再也没有发生。多谢!)

到Russell有很多路线,最常用的是East Ridge。但是如何上到这个ridge,众说纷纭,TR里各执己见,读得我云里雾里搞不清楚。还是博士的安全原则占了上风,路难走不要紧,只要安全系数高就好。于是被我们选中的就是Russell-Carillon Pass(Carillon在Russell的东面,从营地看去,在右侧),Carillon也就自然放在了我们顺手牵羊的list上。(一日多峰,令人激动!)

照例日出后,我们动身。沿湖的右侧斜着往上,一直到Pass,按我的程度这是一段相当难走的路(在TR里人必提及),松软的沙石地,走上去就像一拳打进棉花里力道消失于无形,我呢,没有这方面的technique,还用力踩下去,结果体力消耗极快,累得要死还走得很慢。而博士呢,逍遥得很,好像一点也不费力,他的背包至少比我重10磅却这么自如,我看着五味俱全。他常常停下来提醒我gravity、gravity,指出我之所以这样,都是因为没有和gravity交上朋友。唉,easy said than done,我又不是有运动基因的人,学起这些来历来很慢,全因着还能坚持,才有了点进步。这次在Russell,我依然处在量变阶段,还没悟出在这样的terrain行进的有效方法。(后来终于在University Peak完成了质变)

这个沙石坡的坡度比较大,也比较长,还断断续续要攀爬一些岩石,到处都有坑坑洼洼的脚印,本来我以为有脚印的地方就是trail,其实不然,别人可能也像我们一样摸索,所以杂乱无章也就等于没有trail,哪边顺就走哪边,看好方向就行。走一步,近一步,只要坚持就有希望,果然在不懈努力下,我跟着博士上到了Russell-Carillon Pass,顿时一片开阔,视野大开。目标太酷了,超赞!好吧,锁定它,上!

发表于 2016-9-17 05:32:41 | 显示全部楼层

[分享] Russell (3)

2016.08.02 Mount Russell (4,296 m), Whitney Group, Eastern Sierra (contd.)

不管是什么,第一次往往与意外和惊喜并存。一看而过的我,看TR看得晕头转向,根本记不得不同角度下的Russell是什么样子,因此这个经过“steep,sandy slpoe”到达Pass的route在一开始就被我理解错了,我把pass当成了ridge,原以为到了上面就离summit不远了,哪知道上到pass,看到plateau,才知道革命才拉开序幕,从pass再往上,才会到真正的山脊。在这里,向右到Carillon,很近,summitpost说不到半小时就可以登顶。但是,博士不为所动,他总是主次搞得特别清楚,说Carillon是回程顺带,回城就是回程,没什么好变通的。那好吧,向左,上Russell的山脊!此刻,knife一般的east ridge完全展现在我们眼前,害怕是真的,但是不得不承认好看也是真的。Russell有两个Peak(东、西两峰,西峰更高),从东峰要横切400米才能到西峰,完全exposed。要爬山,当然最高点是第一选择,所以我们的目标首先是西峰。当我们从东峰下经过时,眼看着向上几十米就可以到East Peak,我又忍不住问博士我们是否可以先上去。“NO!” 唉,这个人怎么做到不为所动的呢?不是凡人啊!

这个400米的traverse,我一路紧张到底,动了无数次今日或许就是我last day的念头,我们沿Ridge的右侧,很多地方只是细窄的岩壁,又不平,有时候抓的地方也没有,旁边就是深不见底的峭壁,远一点看看,网上提到的T湖(名字忘了)宁静祥和,韵味十足,美景没得说,必须感叹,可脚下的路靠着感叹是过不去的。大概走到一半时,我对博士说我得放下背包了,要是继续带着它,我不知道要爬到什么时候,关键是它影响我的平衡,背着不轻的它,我走这些石壁不自信。博士权衡再三,勉强同意了。按照他的要求,登山者应该有这样的技能:就是在有较大负重的情况下,仍然能够保持平衡,或者说,不应该让负重影响你。(回来后,就要加紧这方面的训练了) 在登山方面,博士绝对称得上是身先士卒的表率,只是我学得太慢。


站在最高的West Peak,打开登顶的记录本,圆筒里还有一个写着Russell海拔的横幅,我们也拿着它拍了group合影,显摆一回。休息+补给,二者一点也不能怠慢,因为不回到pass,心就得一直提着。


PHOTO: Mt. Russell, East Ridge as seen from the summit of Mt. Carillon.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-17 17:49:51 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.05 Mt. Whitney, Eastern Sierra

Mt. Whitney is very special not only because it is the tallest peak in the Contiguous United States, but  also that it can be seen from the highway.

After having climbed Whitney twice via two different routes, we both agree that it is not enough..will we back for more, who knows?

PHOTO: Golden sunrise at Mt. Whitney as seen from McDonald's in Lone Pine, CA. Right side of the photo is the ridge leading to Mt. Russell. 8)
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 04:46:25 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.06 Mount Langley (4,275 m), Whitney Group

Mount Langley is one of the easiest of California's fourteeners to climb. A hiking trail starts at nearby Horseshoe Meadow, at an elevation of about 10,000 feet (3,048 m), passes scenic Cottonwood Lakes, and climbs through New Army Pass. From there hikers travel cross-country to Old Army Pass, where they may pick up the recently constructed Class 1 Mount Langley Trail. Hikers follow a series of large rock cairns for the two mile push to the summit, which includes a short, 20 foot class 3 scramble to the summit.


TIP: If you had no luck getting permit to Mt. Whitney, Mt. Langley could be a very good alternative. Although it still needs back-country permit, it is a lot easier to get. More lakes on the way and less crowds too. In the end, it is an excellent high-altitude backpacking project.

PHOTO: Sunrise at Cottonwood Lake #5.

At the Old Army Pass. Overlooking Cottonwood Lake #5.

Mt. Whitney as seen from the summit of Mt. Langley.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-23 04:49:54 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.07 Independence Peak, Eastern Sierra

Independence Peak is located in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. It lies east of the Sierra Crest not far from the Onion Valley/Kearsarge pass Trailhead. This mountain is named for the town of Independence along the 395 in Owens Valley, and it is a striking site when viewed from town. Although it is a smaller mountain compared to it's neighbors, it is a fun class 3 climb that can be easily done in a day from Onion Valley. The views of the valley and University Peak are great.


Not much foot traffic on Independence Peak. This register goes back to 2006. 8)

 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-23 13:58:31 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.07 Independence Peak, Eastern Sierra - contd.

The summit shot with University Peak at the back.

University Peak (4,142 m) from the summit of Independence Peak. We will be standing there in just three days (and we don't even know that)! The standard route passes by Robinson Lake seen below. We will climb a different route though. 8)

The town of Independence from the summit of Independence Peak. Cute.

A bit off route. Steep.
发表于 2016-9-23 18:49:30 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.09 University Peak (4,142 m), Eastern Sierra

PHOTO: Kearsarge Lakes en-route to University Peak.
发表于 2016-9-26 05:34:43 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.09 University Peak (4,142 m), Eastern Sierra

At Kearsarge Pass. Kearsarge lakes below (will camp there for two nights) with the 12 pinnacles above (will climb #12,11,10, and 9).

The consequences of abuse..
发表于 2016-9-30 10:44:35 | 显示全部楼层

[分享] Silliman

2016.07.29 Mt. Silliman (3,410 m) -  Sequoia National Park / Kings Canyon National Park.

一个Mono Rock的散步行后,接着的往往是博士式的“Full day hike” (至少8小时以上的)。海拔3410米的Silliman山和我们幸运地被彼此选中了。因为能见度的问题,行前我对Silliman并没有什么大的期望,而且对游览手册上的“outstanding view”也不以为然、将信将疑。结果谁料到呢,它比Alta令人激动多了,特别是最后经过的高山湖,是我迄今见过的最可爱温馨的湖!小清新,太萌了!

还是从头说起吧。Silliman的TH在Lodgepole营地中桥的北侧,但牌子上写的名字里并没有它,写的是Twinlakes,紧挨着几米远外还有Tokopah Falls的TH。走Twinlakes这个起点,到summit,单程10公里,拔高近1400米。

开始,我们沿着山路,要经过一些营地,约5公里后到了分岔口,向左经过creek通往Twin Lakes,有指示牌;向右呢,典型的NP的trail就此一别,是依稀可辨的非official的小路,那就是往Silliman去的。从这开始到slabs,都有迹可循。我一路走,一路想,一路盼:TR里的湖在哪里呢?因为到了湖,根据他人的描述,离顶峰就不到1公里,而且据说是看着目标上就行。走呀爬呀,到了Silliman Meadow,再上一些,湖出现了!那就顺便考察一下吧,跟着博士学的,看看湖边是不是像沙滩:这个approach很重要,因为我们想游泳啊!考察的结果是好的,心里刚想这么定下来,不料博士接着说,GPS显示再高一点,上面还有湖,好,那就比较比较吧,反正游泳是回程的事,不受影响。唉,看了就晕了,它的美丽不是我的笔可以形容的。它不大,像翡翠,四周遍地的野花叹为观止;完全beach一样的地貌,湖边没有杂草、没有树丛,柔软的沙地入水形成的一段斜坡,然后就与湖水融为一体。“太漂亮了,而且湖不大,水应该不会太冷“,” 哇,这样下水,Super!肯定一点也不会戳脚!“ 更神奇的是,它没有台阶式的堤岸,这里是无缝对接。你可能会像我一样想:这么多花草,又在水边,一定会有很多蚊子吧?0!一个蚊子也没有,也没有苍蝇!(我猜一定是这里太干净了)这样的湖,谁能抗拒得了它的诱惑呢?

沿着湖的左边到底,Silliman已现端倪,它在湖的左侧,长长的山脊,靠近我们这边的是cliff,它的peak就在cliff的尽头。那我们只能绕道向右斜着向上,到山脊后再向左,然后登顶。这是Class 2,只是在最后的一二十米需要一点手脚并用,很顺利地就到了summit。也就是头顶这一片天,是纯净的透明的,远处依旧模糊,这会儿我对远处低的能见度是一点也不在乎了,学会享受近在眼前的,更重要。从Silliman,可以看到前一天登过的Alta,还有Whitney方向的群山(都是令我向往的地方),博士和我都觉得今天来Silliman是来对了,它完全补上了我们登Alta的缺憾之处,它让我们觉得Sequoia,还是有达到我们标准的好看的山和景的。最出彩的就是它的Alpine Lake,令整个行程的满意度得到几何级数的提升!


 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-3 06:15:14 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.09 University Peak (4,142 m), Eastern Sierra

At the summit of University Peak (4,142 m). With that amazing California blue sky!

As expected in High Sierra, a typical US army ammo box used for the summit register.

Some minor acrobatics on the descent. 8)

 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-5 15:01:23 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.09 University Peak (4,142 m), Eastern Sierra

"The mountains are calling and I must go" - John Muir

The tallest peak in the middle is called Kearsarge Pinnacle #9 - will be climbed next day. 8)

From the summit of University Peak (4,142 m), with Kearsarge Lakes ~1km below.

The vista from our campsite.
发表于 2016-10-7 07:06:50 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.09 University Peak (4,142 m), Eastern Sierra  - contd.

Final mantel move to the summit of University Peak.

Kearsarge Lake.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-9 20:01:15 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacle #9, Mount Whitney Group

PHOTO: University Peak (4,142 m) as seen from Kearsarge Pinnacle #9. Foot traffic here is almost non-existent, we saw no evidence at all. Pinnacle #9 doesn't even show on most of the maps, unless you know where to look. 8)

 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-10 17:28:18 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacles, Mount Whitney Group

Kearsarge Pinnacle #9 is the tallest in the photo. University Peak is the second from the left.

Kearsarge Pinnacle #9 (L) and #10 (R), both have been climbed, feeling good! 8)

Fantastic place to be at, even without climbing ambitions..we camped here two nights.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-13 04:42:01 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacles, Mount Whitney Group - contd.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-13 17:16:07 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacles, Mount Whitney Group - contd.

Time to say good-bye: no reasons not to smile: originally we came here with the idea of climbing a couple of Kearsarge Pinnacles, which we did (we climbed four), but we also climbed University Peak too..here once again we proved that wearing a helmet makes one live longer and separating from a climbing partner even for a short moment can bring trouble.. (as a reminder, hiking alone is always a poor idea - sadly only a month later the same area, just behind the Pinnacles, will see a fatal accident...)

One of the last looks at the Kearsarge Pinnacles.

This is High Sierra as good as it gets.

Kearsarge Pinnacle #9: we never point to peaks like that, unless we have climbed them. 8)

Onion Valley from Kearsarge Pass.

发表于 2016-10-14 05:57:35 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacles, Mount Whitney Group - contd.

发表于 2016-10-14 08:26:01 | 显示全部楼层
2016.08.10 Kearsarge Pinnacles, Mount Whitney Group - contd.

Time to say good-bye: no reasons not to smile: originally we came here with the idea of climbing a couple of Kearsarge Pinnacles, which we did (we climbed four), but we also climbed University Peak too..here once again we proved that wearing a helmet makes one live longer and separating from a climbing partner even for a short moment can bring trouble.. (as a reminder, hiking alone is always a poor idea - sadly only a month later the same area, just behind the Pinnacles, will see a [url=http://www.backchina.com/news/2016/09/24/449783.html]fatal accident

太悲伤了。。。 :sx:

校方公布郭绍隆的死讯后,其学生及同事纷纷留言表示哀悼,物理系教授Tom Moore说,郭绍隆能给别人带来活力,热爱做一名老师,总是想着怎么才能做得更好。不少学生留言表示,「郭总是在Millikan待到凌晨2、3点,他热心帮助每一位学生,即使是哲学课的学生有不懂问题,只要他知道也会伸出援手」、「他了解每个学生的兴趣爱好,并总是分享一些建议和经验」、「他(郭)是我选择读物理系的原因」、「他很热爱生活,不论是物理学术方面、美食、或是登山方面的心得,他总是乐于与人分享」。
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