发表于 2016-12-23 13:00:41
[分享] Cathedral Peak (5)
2016.08.13 Cathedral Peak - contd.
你看,summitpost上的mountaineering route的描述:“Once at the base of the SE Buttress, the Mountaineers Route is . . . Climb this class 2 slope to the top of Cathedral's north ridge, following any of several use trails (these are pretty sloppy and poorly defined). At the ridge, drop down about 30 feet and traverse over towards the west ridge, between the summit and Eichorn Pinnacle. This is a tricky section over some class 3 sloped slabs. . . . Don't traverse all the way to the west ridge, instead head diagonally up towards some mangled trees on the north side of the west ridge. Staying north of the ridge, climb up towards the base of the summit blocks on the west side. Traverse around the summit blocks to the right, onto the South Face of Cathedral. ”
此时,我们显然已经上到了North Ridge,可是哪里去drop down 30呎呢?绕过山脊后,除了一段几乎水平的横切,都是在上升的状态。“traverse over towards the west ridge”,我们开始也云里雾里绕不出来,在这关键时刻,又不敢盲目去试。看着这文字介绍,似乎挺清楚的,可一两行后就觉得发晕,左看右看也对不上号,方向感早就没了。抓头挠耳之际,觉得还是跟着自己的感觉吧,上到不能上再说,也许就是车到山前必有路呢。说来有趣,它的这段山脊就像忽高忽低的围墙,在这段围墙的中间有个凹下去的石块,像个缺口,缺口的左边就是陡立挺拔的Cathedral Peak。我们一步步小心地来到了这个缺口的下面,我对博士说,我上去看一看吧,看看这块石头的后面是什么。啊哈,猜猜看到了什么?两个攀岩者在顶上!而且太令人匪夷所思了,我从缺口探头过去,竟然就到了山的另一面。可以坐着横跨山脊,这山也太薄了吧?这种奇异的感觉我至今还不能忘记。博士问怎么样,我就收了收心,观察起来。在这堵围墙的反面,是几乎垂直的岩壁(更糟的是,似乎还有些微凸),落脚之处大概也就只有一脚宽,大块的岩石间有些石缝,但是由于石块很大,我们不见得可以抱得过来,但是如果加上保护,那就应该没什么问题。于是我便下来后汇报给博士听,他再上去查看,最后决定就从这里入手!于是我们gear up,我在这一侧缺口下belay博士,他翻过这个缺口,然后从左侧横切过岩壁到summit block的下面,然后登顶。