发表于 2017-5-4 18:51:05
[分享] Manly Beacon (1)
2017.3.24 Death Valley
1. Manly Beacon,有人形容它是sandy pinnacle,仅200多米高,但是在死亡谷最著名的景点Zabriskie Point,却起着画龙点睛的效果。Zabriskie的明信片里,它是那颗最亮的明星。
2. 名称由来:为纪念49年加州淘金潮中的William Lewis Manly (1820-1903)
“South of present-day Provo, Utah, Manly joined other Forty-niners traveling to southern California. In December, these pioneers became lost in the Great Basin Desert, and entered Death Valley having followed an inaccurate map for three weeks. Their food supplies were almost exhausted, and the oxen pulling their wagons were dying of starvation. Manly, with his associate John Haney Rogers, trekked 250 miles on foot across the Mojave Desert to Rancho San Fernando near Los Angeles, California, to scout an evacuation route for the families trapped in Death Valley, and procure food and horses if a settlement could be located.”
3. TH : Zabriskie Point Parking Lot
4. RT: About 6km
上次走了Golden Canyon的环线,就沿着Manly Beacon 的脚下走过,可是博士并没有要带我上去的意思,只能看着眼馋。从不冒进的他,当然有他不去的道理(这次一定是时机成熟了)。记不得这天日出的具体时间了,但是前半小时,我们就汇入了观日出的人流,在巨大的弧形的Zabriskie观景台,眼巴巴地等着。渐渐地,太阳从马路对面的山后升起来,Manly Beacon的尖亮了,这日出特有的光慢慢地下移,Manly Beacon就像站在聚光灯下的舞台上,色彩瑰丽。同时,周围的山峦也随着亮起来,沉寂的世界醒了,新的一天开始了!
看完日出,我们赶快回到车里。多好的天气,晴朗无风,不冷也不热的温度。让我们现在就去吧,拿上背包,朝着Manly Beacon,出发!