在这段路上,我们看到了好几段好几段的Fixed rope,有绕在树上的,也有通过carabiner连到Bolts的,除一处细绳,其余的都很粗。这些绳子终年放在那里当然有其用意,即便Bellygood的前几米是个exposed turn,居然也加了绳子,说这一路上very well protected,一点也不为过。这不,重重保护之下,一个拐弯之后,Bellygood到了!
It is not beautiful here. ( 我知道博士指的是safety的部分)对呀,何况我们如果要经过的话,不是像今天这样,而是反其道,从Bellygood走向我们这里,就更难了,安全又从何谈起呢?本来博士想把这一段编入他的#1 Peak Alpine Edition Route,看来至少要暂时搁置起来,除非他有了如何安全回来的办法。
Good to know!Bellygood,我们一定后会有期!(Scarlett说得好:“ After all . . . tomorrow is another day!" 我们总会想出办法来的!)
Food is delicious and very cheap at night market (南雅夜市). Our list of dishes to try
Aiyu jelly (愛玉)
Taiwan Sausage (香腸)
Taiwanese Orange (柳丁)
Beef noodles (牛肉麵)
Oyster omelet (蚵仔煎) 8)
To our surprise, Taipei area offers a good choice of decent day hikes - from family type walks to full-day treks, many reachable by regular public transit. It even has a National Park (YangMingShan NP - 陽明山國家公園). Of course, our type of "hike" must end at a peak - and we had no shortage of those. 8)
Vera did excellent homework on public transportation, so we smoothly arrived at our destination (bus 1062). My android GPS stopped working and was reporting that trailhead is still 20km away. We gave lot of trouble to the locals asking for directions how to get there from here, standing just 10m next to it. No kidding, we even tried to board a few buses!
Keelung Mountain (基隆山) as seen from 九份。
Hiking in the rain means no crowds.
California Climbers' Salute at the top of Keelung Mountain
Two hikers whom we met on the park's bus, were very skeptical about our plan to traverse 6 peaks - "..there are fixed ropes. you certainly need GPS and a map. the weather is not so good..". At some point one of them wanted to follow us. 8)
The famous Taipei 101 skyscraper is seen at the distance.
Grasslands of Taiwan. Windy and warm.
Fixed ropes are typical fixtures of many Taipei's trails.
Taipei area offers a multitude of traverse hikes: you start from one bus stop and end at the other. Datun Multi-peak Trail is one of them. Despite local hikers warned us the route "is very hard", it was rather "mild" type compared to one of those which we will take later in the few days (平溪区).
Local jungles are filled with constant loud screaming approaching siren level, produced by thousands of cicadas like this
We got used to stairs like these, and started assuming all trails in Taipei area will be like this. Not true - we found out hard way. 8)
We spotted this mountain across the water. We decided to climb it (attempt to that is) tomorrow (Mt. GuanYin).