一开始是康庄大道,略下坡,走了一段后,见到了有Sky Pilot Valley Trail的指示牌,到TH 2.3km。依旧是散步的路,Lily快步在前,我跟着。从Valley的TH开始,右侧的大树上有计数牌,#1-30,终点还有END字样的标记。这些在他人的TR里读到的信息,在我们走的过程中逐一得到了验证。一小时后,我们顺利到了Valley Trail的END,有拔高的爬升这才正式开始,这才进入我心目中认为的真正的山路。
2017.08.22 Mount Henkel, Glacier National Park, Montana
TIP: If you don't want your trip to Canadian Rockies (= long deserved vacation) ruined by a bad weather, consider to be flexible and have Plan B(or even Plan C): The Rockies' weather can be bad in the north (Jasper) but can be great down south (Lake Louise), and then Banff, Canmore, Waterton Lakes NP. If that is still no good, check Montana's Glacier National Park just across the U.S. border (like we did) - it has very good selection of backcountry routes from family type to serious alpine.. 8)
California Climbers' Salute at the top of Mount Henkel.
2017.08.22 Mount Henkel, Glacier National Park, Montana
We arrived to Montana's Glacier NP noon-time, which obviously was very late to climb anything serious, so we picked this shortest trip (to Mt. Henkel via South Ridge) which the guide book claimed to be only 2.5km one way. This was wrong by factor 2 - the total distance came out to be 9km with 1,800 m elevation gain, sustained class 3 with class 4 (aka "difficult scrambling") in places. Luckily, we were back at the car just before the sunset. The store was still open to sell us ice cream.
PHOTO: South ridge of Mt. Henkel, Glacier NP, Montana.
2017.08.22 Mount Henkel, Glacier National Park, Montana
For some reason the guide book calls this area "South Couloir", but what we saw was just a set of ledges like that. It is the easiest way to the top of Mt. Henkel, which we selected for our descent.