发表于 2018-5-16 21:54:53
本帖最后由 vera 于 2018-5-17 10:02 编辑
2018.05.16 Juniper point at Lighthouse park, West Vancouver. Rock climbing (Top roping)
- an ACC event
- organizer: Jay MacArthur
- total participants: 10 (including Millie, Jesse and me)- who I knew: Afshin, Pawel, Linda; who are new to me: Jay, Micheal, Shannon, David)
- cliffs at seaside, excellent view
- Grade 5.8-5.10 on one side, not sure other sides- My main pracice: belaying at little corner beside cliff (no flat footing, not at sea level), very challenging
- Thanks to David, my belayer today
(Too bad I was in a hurry and didn't bring my camera. Waiting for pictures by the team. . .)