发表于 2018-4-28 15:55:43
本帖最后由 vera 于 2018-4-30 08:04 编辑
2018.04.28 Crevasse Rescue Practice
- a bcmc.ca event
- destination: Brockton Point on Mount Seymour
- organizer: Oudi and Claire
- total 17 participants
- goal: self-arrest to stop the fall/3 ppl rope team on glacier travel/ 2-ppl rope team re: crevasse rescue response ( 4 steps)
What I've learned today:
- So many ppl have passion to learn and practice. Nobody c/o bad weather. Everybody seems having fun. Very impressive.
- Got to know sb today, such as Erin, Peer,Claire, Gordon, Joe. Maybe Frane and Flavio as they borrowed my snow pickets. One guy has been a bcmc member for 25 years, but I forgot his name. Oh of course, I remember Tom because he, Millie and I were one team today.
- I feel I am a hauling system expert now.( Sorry it sounds not modest, but I am so happy today that finally it became so clear to me, absolutely no more confusing.) I used 5:1 Crevasse MA (Mechanical Advantage), Oudi and other groups used 5:1 complex with 3 prusik ( can be replaced by tibloc or ropeman, etc). Our team analyzed how the length of the middle cord would affect how much you can reset (so now I am thinking maybe clove hitch is a good way,too, if use a cord); how the load was transferred from the reset prusik to the ratchet prusik when you reset. Everything was new to Millie, but she worked very hard. I was the "fallen climber". My job was watching them, giving the rope tension, and monitoring their performance. Tom said I was the coach (hahaha). Actually I am the one who learned more than I expected. I was still struggling at this part sometimes before and it was bothering me, but I'm sure I passed that point this afternoon. Yeh! Big achievement! No better feeling than that!
- I travelled quite a few slopes. Uphill, downhill. Some are pretty steep. Also most bcmc ppl are young and they move fast. I am very happy I can catch up with them whatever up or down with my heavy backpack (all glacier travel gear including rope, also I brought extra). Snow condition is ugly. Lots of post-holing. However, I managed very well even going down. Only mountaineering boots. No crampons or microspikes or snowshoes. (They were resting in my backpack)
- When Oudi came out of his car, I couldn't believe it. " I signed up last night." Oh, no wonder. Lea was the organizer, but she couldn't come. Then Oudi and Claire came to help. He visited me when I was still on knee-scooter not long ago, so he was very happy to see me on the mountain again. A big hug was a must!
Sb is falling in a crevasse? I am coming!