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楼主: PanShiBo

Canadian Rockies - 2014-2022

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-3 16:53:25 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.18 Mount Temple, contd.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-4 01:57:58 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.19 Bow Lake, Banff National Park, AB

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-5 15:19:11 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.26 Mount Stephen (3,200m), another "post-card peak" of Canadian Rockies

California Climbers' Salute at the summit of Mount Stephen, Yoho National Park, British Columbia

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-5 17:23:27 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.26 Mount Stephen (contd.)

Postcard with Mt. Stephen, 1911

Let's go! The summit is 2km vertical from here.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-6 05:01:32 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.26 Mount Stephen (contd.)

Mt. Stephen is our 34th peak in the Canadian Rockies and 8th above 3,000m.

发表于 2020-9-6 18:40:13 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.26 Mount Stephen (contd.)

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-7 05:01:47 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.26 Mount Stephen (contd.)

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-7 06:14:01 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.26 Mount Stephen (contd.)

A very realistic description of our route from bivouac by Graeme Pole:

This is a big mountain day - lots of vertical in a short distance, an ascent with a definite crux, and stunning views. Mt. Stephen was the first mountain over 10,000 feet to be climbed in Canada. The southwest ridge was the route of first ascent and is the regular route today. Competent climbers can solo the route, but it is wise to take an ice axe, a rope, and a small rock rack.
It is no longer possible to be casual about an ascent of this peak. Parks Canada's concern over theft of fossils from the Mt. Stephen fossil beds necessitates that you obtain a permit before you can cross Stephen Creek. You'll have to get the permit the day before because you'll want to start on the trail early. Don't skip the permit. The trail is monitored with electronic gizmos that will record your presence. The infraction for which you will be cited is "entering a closed area." It carries a mandatory court appearance, probably in Golden, BC.
The Canadian Pacific Raiwlay cut the Mount Stephen trail in 1894 to make easier at attempt on Mt. Stephen that year by members of the Appalachian Mountain Club. The trail is a grunt from its beginning (51:23.7-116:29.0) to its end, about 2.5 km later, at the lower fossil bed (51:23.3-116:27.7). A beaten path continues, contouring on steep sideslopes and through rotten shale cliffs onto the broad shale slopes at the base of the southwest ridge (51:23.3-116:27.2). The way is obvious, at least initially. At about the 9300 foot contour, you have to start paying attention to the route, which takes any steep terrain by moving east or south - never west! You will negotitate a system of balconies and ledges that defies precise description. If you are using your hands for climbing, you are off route. At about the 10,000 foot contour, options diminish. A steep, often icy gully drops away to the south, and a wall that comprises the crest of the southwest ridge looms to the north. Step around the top of the gully onto a ledge at the base of a short cliff. The rock is good with good holds. This section is 5.2. Above this many people take to the ridgecrest, which is a knife edge with almost 2000 m of exposure to the north. But it is possible to traverse beneath the ridgecrest until beneath the summit, then climb up over rotten ground with a few short cliff steps - one or two lower fifth class moves - to gain the summit (51:23.9-116:25.9).
Many people think that they can add variation to the descent - there must be a faster way down all that scree and rubble. Generally speaking, unless you fall down the gully mentioned above (it's been done), there isn't. Take every bone-jarring step with patience and caress your knee cartliage at day's end.
发表于 2020-9-7 07:42:08 | 显示全部楼层
2020.08.26 Mount Stephen (contd.)

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-13 17:44:24 | 显示全部楼层
2020.09.09 Another "postcard peak". Mount Edith Cavell, 3,363m, Jasper NP, AB

发表于 2020-9-13 17:46:36 | 显示全部楼层
2020.09.09 Mount Edith Cavell, contd

发表于 2020-9-14 00:30:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vera 于 2020-9-14 00:41 编辑

Mount Stephen 小记(1)


有了兴趣,那research就有了动力。是否在我们的能力范围之内?yes!有没有Gpx?yes!有没有bushwhacking?no!...... 对于我们想登的山,它们也需要符合我们的要求,这样才能得到最好的结果。博士说,他要给我5/5的experience,如果是4/5,对他来说就意味着failure。(wow,他这自我要求可真高,不过,他是这么说的,也是这么做的。在此先表谢意!)

确定可以去爬了,就开始读TR,还有很多其他细节。去Stephen要经过restricted area(5亿年的化石区!),必须申请许可证,那我们必须提前一天,还要给予工作人员足够的时间process,这样第二天才可以去爬山。从博士家到Field正好800km,我们得一大早出发,才可能在3点前赶到。这些都是不小的挑战……

2019年,我们在去Lake O'Hara后顺便申请了permit,跃跃欲试地准备第二天拜访Stephen,oops,一大早博士一看天,有云啊,尽管预报是好的,他还是drop off了,说爬这样的山,必须是绝对的好天气,没商量!(我的争辩可没什么用,只会自讨没趣,还加上挨批评)怎么办?只有下次啰!但是我对Stephen可是念念不忘,每次经过它总是令人向往。

一年过去了,2020的夏天到了,落基山的山我们都觉得8月到9月最合适,要赶在下雪之前。太早也不是最佳,因为很多地方还有雪,不安全。今年能否去Stephen?博士一直在关注Stephen的天气,我们必须要等到合适的窗口才能行动。好,一个机会来了,我们赶到Field,唉,疫情期间他们人手不够,结果没有工作人员上班。我们再赶到Lake Louise的游客中心,他们也办不了,我们只好搁置了Stephen,去了Temple和Vimy、Crandell,etc.



Photo: 2019.8.1 Mt. Stephen on left as seen from the summit of Mt. Bosworth (2,767m). It is almost exactly 2 vertical km from the town of Field to the top.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-14 01:04:07 | 显示全部楼层
2020.09.08 Mt. Robson 3,959m, is the highest peak in Canadian Rockies.

发表于 2020-9-14 04:56:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vera 于 2020-9-14 06:07 编辑

Mt. Stephen, vintage postcard

Mount Stephen小记(2)

Yoho NP的Joahn很周到,她在电话和邮件里都告诉了我们同一天还有一个人申请了permit,希望我们途中提高安全意识,注意落石。申请时连出发时间都要求填写的,她告诉我们那个人是0700,我想了想日出时间,就说那我们就0600吧,因为按照我们的习惯,exposed 地方都要保护,那一定要多花时间的,这又是那么serious的mountain,自然要早一点吧?


在TH,左侧是一个指示牌,告诉你这是restricted area,而我早就对此充满了好奇,每个TR里都提到这些amazing的化石,他们都会停下脚步拍很多照片,我当然也不例外,满满的期待啊!trail虽然窄,但是维护得挺好,很名副其实的山中小径,游客中心还专门有看化石的tour服务,这一路上升700m才能到fossil beds,我就暗自感慨游客们的不易,又或者这份辛苦会加大看见化石的喜悦吧?走啊走啊,左侧有个储物箱似的柜子,右侧的地上我便看到了第一个化石,黑色的图案,我只知道这是化石,但是并不知道它是什么的化石(嗨,是什么不重要),我就开始拍照片,可是博士在前面一点也没有放慢脚步的意思,我当然知道今天的priority是什么,自然不敢声张,就认真盯着trail的两边,看到了就快快地拍一下,再继续赶路,就这么着,竟也见到了一些!其实我知道这些只是零星的,而真正的fossil beds的区域只有tour才可以进,我们只是从旁边路过,并不能进入的。有意思的是,平时观察力超强的博士竟然一个路边的化石也没见着,可见一个人专注起来的时候有多么专注。(我们的成语“视而不见”“旁若无人”之类的真不是吹的,哈哈)



 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-15 03:10:33 | 显示全部楼层
2020.09.09 Mount Edith Cavell, contd

At the top of Mount Edith Cavell 3,363 m

发表于 2020-9-15 07:04:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vera 于 2020-9-15 07:10 编辑

2020.09.09 Mount Edith Cavell, contd

View from the top

We left in the dark and returned in the dark. Edith Cavell (1 mile high) at the back.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-15 07:56:37 | 显示全部楼层
2020.09.09 Mount Edith Cavell, contd

Mount Edith Cavell was 7th peak above 3,000m that Vera and I climbed in 2020.

发表于 2020-9-20 05:23:12 | 显示全部楼层
2020.09.09 Mount Edith Cavell, contd

Vintage postcard 1960's

West ridge route is one vertical km of rock bands, better be done with it before sunset and in good weather.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-21 05:38:47 | 显示全部楼层
2020.09.10 Mount Wilcox, Jasper NP, AB
California Climbers' Salute at the summit of  Mount Wilcox. With Athabasca, Andromeda and Columbia at the back.

发表于 2020-9-22 05:25:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vera 于 2020-9-22 05:28 编辑

2020.09.10 Mount Wilcox, contd.

Athabasca as seen from the summit.

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